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Aida Davidson

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1Aida Davidson Empty Aida Davidson Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:35 pm



Name: Aida Davidson (adopted last name after the Fall)

Race: Elf

Class: Apothecary/Inventor

Bio: Before the Fall — She lived a normal life for an elf, hidden from human's prying eyes in the forests in the northwest of the United States, and raised with respect for nature and the elements. From a young age she loved inventing new things or even just new uses for things, only to find that humans had come to make them first. That, however, didn't deter her creationism, and sometimes she would make something years before humans thought of it.

During the Fall — In the destruction, her family are now dead, and she learned quickly how to survive in the new world and it's disorder. It was at this time she picked up her apothecary skills, learning from a master who was dying and wanted to pass his knowledge to anyone willing. She was also trained in hand to hand combat and the use of handguns at this time.

After the Fall — Though she is unsure exactly what caused it, not fully understanding the human world, she has been travelling to find answers while also helping the people she meets along the way. Finding a constant need for her skills in Dravenhurst, Aida decides to stay there, not knowing what the future might bring her. Most people believe she is somewhere in her late 20's to early 30's, not knowing that she is, in fact, nearing 100 years.

Artillery: A set of elven crafted knives her father gifted before his death that she keeps hidden on her person at all times and a set of golden guns she keeps in view at her thighs.

Inventory: A small emergency set for making potions, including a few pre-made potions, as well as a bag of holding which she keeps ready and stocked for long travels.

Aida Davidson 3X2th4w


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