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Liastansia Golendel

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1Liastansia Golendel Empty Liastansia Golendel Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:39 am



Name: Liastansia Golendel (Lia Moonwhisper)

Race: Werecat/Elf

Age: 1,700 She thinks

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 145lbs

Gender: Female

Hair/Fur Color: Alburn and Golden with spots

Eye Color: Emerald Green

Class: Apthocary/Farmer

Appearance: What Lia Looks like normally.
What Lia looks like in were form
What Tanis looks like.
Arin Alkore the mare which translates to Morning Glory

Bio: Lia has long loved nature and did everything she could to protect it. She trained to be a druid in service to Obad-Hai and was chosen by him and gifted with a Oak Leaf Dragon as her animal companion. When the fall came, she found she still had an ability to call forth growth in this death world. She kept it hidden that she was born a were cat, not fond of the bad reputation they have with some. Dispute the fact that she is a werecat she is able to befriend many small animals that are around her.

Tanis, her oak leaf dragon friend is still with her and helps protect her. His is about 3 feet in length and his color changes with the seasons. He has a venous bite and is a sassy little smart ass.

Lia is about 5'5" in height and slim in body as are most Elves. Her hair is the auburn of fresh fallen leaves, her eye the deep green of summer leaves. In her were form she looks like a jagur, but with spots that seem to be shaped like oak leaves.

Artillery: Bow and Arrow

Inventory: A messenger bag with some pruning shears, a small shovel, a water flask, a small rake, gloves, and a sack.Lia's wedding ring

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