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The Otherside Epic

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1The Otherside Epic Empty The Otherside Epic Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:31 am



*as told by IvyRose

a long time ago, after the world was not as new, the world was split into seven realms

the fea and elves close in relation but seperate, fought many wars amongst themselves, the demons, at this time before the God Breaker wars, looked as the elves and fea did, and tried to stay out of the Fae and Elves disputes, but the elves had other plans, and knew that the demons could be harnessed with magic, and thus created an enchantment that caused the demons to do the bidding of whom ever could cast a circle arounf them, this was unbeknownst to demons and wasnt found out till later, the elves being clever creatures, were feirce warriors and magicians using the true names to bind them. the demons having no choice started to be summoned, dragging them across the planes and time and space to where ever they were summoned, creating rifts in the worlds, we call them leylines now adays but before time was recorded they were called the fallen scars.

many years later, the demons and the fae banded together, to over throw the elves, and cast out the elves from their shared plane, as a result the fae being attached to their cousins in magic and more were also dragged across into the same plane, the Fae considered this a nasty double cross from the Demons, even though they had no hand in it, after the God Breaker wars, the planes that demons couldnt leave unless summoned slowly withered and died, demons because warped by their unchecked balance and because miss misshapen to better suit their environment, their magics grew and swelled, the Demons now could reproduce and make stronger demons true born to this land, creating monsters and leviathans that were better suited being locked away, until one day the demons could no longer have children, a curse from the elves and fae that had taken years to cast, but it weakened the demons for years

unless demons bred with humans things were dodgy at best, the new order of these beings ho had long forgoten their true forms, and could only guess lost all sense of being and purpose, they were only tools who hated those who summoned them, and built their anger towards the elves and fea who passed along their true names, Ivys being one of them, who was summoned most, as she was seen as the most beautiful and gracious of the Succubi, she was a great actress, she saw the human worlds grow and fall over and over but the realm was bright and full of life, and she reveled in being summoned, the human souls she consumed gave her life and repleshied her powers and she became strong and feared, it took many years for her to stop her reign of terror in the Otherside, but then something miraculous happened, she felt a wave and an earthquake in the darkness of her world, and she traveled to where she felt it, the walls between planes were weak and had fallen, she could cross the planes! of her own will! and she did. That was the Fall

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