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Xantam Darkstar

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1Xantam Darkstar Empty Xantam Darkstar Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:21 am



Name: Xantam Darkstar

Race: Drow

Age: 1,500 or so

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 178lbs

Gender: Male

Hair/Fur Color: White hair with a silver sheen

Eye Color: Lilac

Class: Bounty Hunter

Appearance: What Xantam looks like
Raistlin, the panther.
Eclipse the stallion.

Bio: Xantam Darkstar lived in the underdark before the fall and fled to the surface to get away from the Matron mother there. HE soon found himself in a forest and soon fell in love with the life around him and ended up learning the ways of the Ranger and thought to him by The Darkstar, Syn, protecting the woodlands nad hunting down those that would harm it.
He also met Lia and they soon fell in love and married. After the fall they strive together to make out a living, with him using his tracking skills to his advantage. His panther complain has be turned into a mechina with his soul tied to the new metal form; much the same with Xantam's horse.

Artillery: Bow and arrows. He has silver, Gold, steel, and poisoned arrows. He also carried to scimitars from before the fall. One named Oolith that can some times make the target go blind temporarily and Phobia, that causes fear to those it cuts.

Inventory: He has a warn quiver of holding that can hold 5 times the number of arrows most other quivers can, so he is rarely out of ammo. He also has a silver, obsidian, and amethyst holy symbol given to him by his god Syn. As well as his wedding ring.

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