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How Currency was Effected by the Fall

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1How Currency was Effected by the Fall Empty How Currency was Effected by the Fall Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:51 pm



In the rise of creatures affected by certain metals—silver for weres, gold for vampires, iron for fae—currency was changed to a single metal which bothered no one, bronze. While the others still had value and could be used in exchange for coin, the differences were in both size and stamp for each type.

  • Klip: the largest in size (3in diameter) and equivalent to 5$ USD, stamp is of a bear.
  • Sly: the middle in size (2in diameter) and equivalent to 3$ USD, stamp is of a deer.
  • Dre: the smallest in size (1in diameter) and equivalent to 1$ USD, stamp of an owl.


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