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Jack, Priscilla, and Ophelia

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1Jack, Priscilla, and Ophelia Empty Jack, Priscilla, and Ophelia Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:10 am


Name: Jack Gilwood III

Race: Human

Class: Inventor

Bio: Jack is the son of a great inventor Jack Gilwood Jr., son of one of the greatest inventors in Davenhurst, Jack Gilwood Sr., known for being one of the progenitors of mechanical limb replacements. Jack had a lot on his plate when it came to inventing, and so far in his 24 years of life, he lost his left arm and half of his left leg, worked through many failed vehicle plans, and created his two body gaurds, Priscilla and Ophelia. With his two marionettes at his side, he prepares to work on his two biggest projects: the motorcycle, and a secret project kept hidden out in the in the wastelands.

Jack himself is short for his age, only around 5' 5" with curly brown hair, matching eyes and typically seen in a button up shirt with rolled up sleeves, exposing his mechanical arm and the cogwheel tattoo on his right forearm. His pants are kept up by suspenders, and he keeps it classy with black slacks and matching dress shoes. Under his left arm is his gun holster, carrying his caster pistol.

Caster Pistol: A unique gun invented by Jack himself, using ammo also created by Jack himself, having thirty-two different 'caster' shells, which are reminiscent of shotgun shells, each with their number on the back. The ammo is very difficult to make repeats of, so Jack uses this gun in last ditch efforts. An example of his shells is Shell #5, a blue colored shell that fires an electrical burst. Another is Shell #12, a sticky round that creates a concussive explosion.

Arm blade: With a little installing, Jack was able to build a retractable arm blade in his arm which extends over his fist. It's another last ditch weapon, usually kept for close range if he can't load his gun in time.

Inventory: Jack doesn't carry much on him, other than a pocketwatch, his reading glasses, and the keys to his wasteland hangar.

Name: Priscilla

Race: Marionette

Class: Body Guard (Bounty hunter)

Bio: Priscilla was the first marionette Jack built, made from a unique template the young inventor built himself five years ago. While her materials are standard, Priscilla differentiates in two major ways. The first is her height. As a female marionette, she's nearly 6' 2". The second, and most distinctive, are her four arms, the absolute hardest portion to have her soul respond to correctly.

Priscilla is a very blunt and straightforward person, speaking her mind in the few times she does speak, but keeps to herself unless the boss needs her opinion. She has wavy brown hair and matching eyes, wearing a modified purple duster jacket, brown slacks, and a pair of knee high boots with straps to hold her hatchets. Her blunderbuss holsters sit on her hips.

Hatchets: Priscilla's melee weapons are a pair of hatchets, sharpened to cut through skin and porcelain like butter. They're also perfectly weighted for throwing, in case she needs to throw them.

Blunderbusses: Priscilla's ranged weapons are a pair of specially built blunderbusses, built to be shot with one hand. While powerful, their range is short, and cannot be fired repeatedly. She also does not carry much ammo, enough for five shots for each inside of her jacket.

Inventory: Priscilla only carries spare keys to the hangar and ammo for her guns.

Name: Ophelia

Race: Marionette

Class: Body Guard (Bounty Hunter)

Bio: Ophelia was the second marionette Jack built, made to be the polar opposite of Priscilla a year after her. Much like her partner, Ophelia was built with two major differences. She was built small, only 4' 7" in height. Her other major difference is her detachable lower arms, lending into her weapon attachments as the heavy arms of the trio.

Ophelia has short blonde hair and green eyes, wearing a short ruffled dress with a red corset top, leaving her arms and part of her legs exposed, the rest being covered in a pair of boots. She typically has her chainsaw, gatling gun, and ammo pack on her back.

Artillery: Chainsaw: An attachment for her left arm, Opheila's melee weapon is a gas powered chainsaw with two spinning chain blades. Typically used for cutting through chains and metal, she can use it for combat.

Gatling gun: An attachment for her right arm, Ophelia's ranged weapon is a mid-range gatling gun, loaded to an ammo pack on her back, and a handle able to be attached to the side to give her more control, as the rapid fire is hard to control.

Inventory: Ophelia carries spare hangar keys and a special wrench to attach and detach her arms.

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