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Time for rest?

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1Time for rest? Empty Time for rest? Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:48 pm



Aphris almost swooned as Simon guided her through the doorway. She was barely aware of the fact that Percy seemed to be sitting at the closest table, covered n food and a large jug of water and glasses for all.

Percival raised an eyebrow at the sight of Simon holding Aphris up as they came through the doorway. Well, things were harder for her then he would of guessed it seemed. He had already let Red know that Aphris would likely need to feed tonight. He hoped that Ivy would not push them this hard tomorrow, as most of the saloon's managing would be on his shoulders and he needed Aphris to be able to help him.

2Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:33 am



"Strangers came and we had to manifest disguises, it took more out of the Miss here for obvious reasons," Simon explained to Percival as he got Aphris into a seat and handed her some food. His instincts as a doctor were kicking in and he started feeling for her heart rate, having noticed how her reactions were much like exhaustion. It was clear they would need to find a more hidden place to train, as well as bring food and drink, after what happened today.


3Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:24 pm



Ivy waltzed into the saloon in a huff her disguise melting away to reveal her normal appearance

"oh i hate when we get interupted!!! i thought the butte would be the perfect spot, but no of course! three people had to show up, given that one is a fellow bounty hunter im not surprised he was able to track me, but those DOLLS!!!???"

she sat down exasperated and tired

"the sun is high and my powers weak to hold up glamours and cause natural phenomena, i will need to feed..."

4Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:13 pm



Aphris ate and drank the food and water placed in front of her, starting to feel better with every bite. She became aware of what Ivy was saying as well. "I don't think Xantam is going to give us much trouble though. He strikes me as someone who keeps to himself and doesn't care what secrets others have," she said between bites. She swallowed her mouthful before adding, That four armed one did not sit right with me.... Something about her..."

Percival nodded as he listened. The talk of two dolls out in the wastelands did not ring any bells as to who they were. "Oh, Xantam is back in town? Lia will be happy to hear that. Maybe I will tell her when I take her order of meat over later today and get some stuff for Red," he mused as he reached for some sweet bread. "Although, Ivy, you should talk to Red about you feeding again.... I am not sure who would be up for another round with you so soon."

5Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:54 pm



"I feel like I've seen them before, somewhere before..." Simon thought for along moment, not really paying attention. It was before he'd come to Dravenhurst, but also after he'd moved here, at least it felt like he knew them somehow.


6Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:59 pm



"i fed out on the butte, i dont mind Xantam at all, he brings me impure souls to devour so i dont mind, i will find a menagerie somewhere and drain them dry....but ill wait till after sundown when im at my best, this high noon bull crap might be okay for humans, but some of us more refined sensible creatures have a bit of an intolerance to the cheerfulness of the sun"

she drank some water to clear the dust from her mouth and throat, the sun really did wipe her out but she was old enough and strong enough to tolerate it for a few hours at a time

"as well i could tell the dollies were not going to be to friendly...the reason why their souls can be bound is due to demon magic, we taught it to people who asked, but that was a long time ago, im surprised humans didnt forget it...youd think i would find some reason to like the little cockroaches"

7Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:06 pm



Aphris simply nodded and continued to eat. Although she was becoming full, it was only one type of hunger that was being satisfied. She would have to find someone to spend the night with again, and she was not that trilled about it. Even less then normal after having to face those memories she had locked away for so long.

Percival nodded as he munched on his sweet roll, they were his favorite thing to eat. "Just make sure you don't get caught. I'm sure there are many locals that are wanted listed at the sheriff's office," he commented as he reached for his glass.

8Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:16 pm



"You know Ivy, if you can do it cleanly and make sure it doesn't come back to me, there is always the basement to my office you can use to deal with the bodies. I also do all the cremations, since quite a few people die there too," Simon offered, filling his glass again with water before downing it. He was feeling guilty for not having done more when their 'guests' arrived on the butte.


9Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:22 pm



"succubi like myself have been around for a long time, not many people know the signs of s succubus death, but youre right i should go on a bounty soon, theres just so much to prepare these two for, there is thousands upon thousands of spells potions elixers curses, years of training and lessons for these two to learn...and in such a short amount of time...."

she sat silent in though of how long ago she once trained in these sames things, developing some of them and expanding upon others

"i dont know where we can go that somebody wont just stumble in on us during vulnerable moments in time like today, if it had been any earlier we would have been helpless...."

10Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:46 pm



Before Aphris or Percival could reply a voice spoke from the shadows behind them, "I know a place you maybe able to do some training, though you can't do so during the full moon." Xantam seemed to melt out of the shadows as he stepped closer to the group. He pulled up a chair and took a seat at the table, grabbing himself some food and started eating.

Aphris just blinked at the drow and kept eating. His presence did not put her on edge like those dolls did. She was curious where he was going to suggest they train.

"Welcome back Xantam. I take it that your bounty took you rather far since you were gone for almost a moon," Percival replied, seeming not replied by his appearance.

11Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:27 pm



Simon started at Xantham's entrance, having not expected the bounty hunter to appear like that. He knew the drow could appear almost from nowhere, but had never witnessed it until today.


12Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:23 pm



"if youre talking about that dungeon you keep your wife in during the full moon......that could actually work, full moons we can go somewhee else to work the big magic, but that just might work....of course ill need the key"

she had always been able to tell when somebody she liked was around, she could pick up different bodies pheromones its how she knows what will most attract her prey and xantam always smelled of cloves and deep earth

13Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Fri Sep 05, 2014 2:35 pm



"Despite the rumors, I do not 'kept my wife in a dungeon'. During the full moon she is within her garden that is hidden with her drudic magic. She even has a empty field that she has been wanting tilted for more plants, I'm sure that can be something that can be turned into a magic lesson. And the garden is underground with artificial light, so it should not effect you like the sunlight. I know it does not bother me as much," Xantam replied in his quite and calm voice.

Aphris was intrigued by this idea of a garden under ground and hoped Ivy would take him up on the offer. Even if they ended up using the lesson in magic to do work around the garden, it would be cool to see. Xantam was giving her the feeling that he rarely raised his voice, and when he did; you were in trouble.

Percival simply continued to munch on his sweet roll for a bit before adding, "I ma sure I can make sure the butte is empty when you need it for the larger stuff. It would just take a few more charms around that area. Most likely ones that would cause someone to think they forgot someone and walk away."

14Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:21 am



"You mean Lia is a Were?" Simon's voice was hushed yet still cracked as he spoke. "Aida never told me that and she hasn't come to me for care about that in all the time I've been here. There's so much I need to catch up on with her, about the change and her type, whether she retains full control or loses any, how much time it takes between the start and finish of her cycle..." The doctor started rambling, his voice getting softer until he was muttering to himself, eyes wide behind his glasses, his hands having gotten out the notepad he carried on his person and jotting down notes that no one could read, the languages mixed up between and even in the middle of words, only making sense to the half demon who wrote them.


15Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Sat Sep 06, 2014 6:53 pm



"you may want to be wary of the weres my dearest Simon, they bite...hard, and i know you wouldnt lock her up Xany baby doll, but i do think that space would be excellent, since the butte needs to be fortified"

she went for some of the jam on the table and dribbled it into her mouth licking her lips with a semi forked tongue

"when can we pay a visit?"

16Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Sun Sep 07, 2014 12:47 am



"Oh I know madam, I've worked with many Weres before. In fact, many of the town's Weres come to me after the moon is no longer full and I've been keeping them all in good health, telling them what potions or medicine to take before the change. But only Weres who know current patients come to me, I don't advertise this service."


17Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:40 pm



"Lia has not come to you for care because Tanis and I care for her and have for a long while now. Plus, Adia and her are the ones who make the potions that are given to the other weres in town. I believe a few of them were invented by Aida herself. As far as when you can visit, I see no problem coming to see the area today, and ask Lia of coarse. I need to take her monthly meat order over to her any way to get ready for tomorrow night. And I believe Percival has to pick up an order as well...," Xantam stated an he finished the sandwich he had made from a roll and some meat. He took a drink and stood to make his way to the back room to get the meat order.

Percival nodded, "Yes, I do need to pick up a few things for the saloon. Your order is in the normal place." After calling out to Xantam he turned to the rest of the group, "I think taking a tour of the garden and speaking to Lia would be a great idea, and I sure you all have enough energy for that remaining. Once we get back i can make a full meal for all of us to enjoy together tonight."

Aphris nodded as she finished her plate and glass and replied, Sounds like an idea to me.

18Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:46 am



"Oh, well, that's good to hear, as long as she receives care and is comfortable, no worries sir!" Simon was a bit intimidated by the drow, but he could tell how much this man cared for his wife and that put the doctor at ease.


19Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Fri Sep 26, 2014 7:20 pm



"sounds like a marvelous idea darlings, lets go and have a look see!!! i do love gardens!"

she quickly changed her outfit to a airy dress almost something youd see in a romanticized portrait of a young woman in celtic mythology

"you know Gwendolyn wore this dress, but arthurian tales probably left out she was a demon summoning elf bitch, but thats neither here nor there"

20Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:35 pm



"Of course they did because they were to busy makin Morgan La Fey out to be the biggest evil there is..." Percival muttered as he was taking a drink from his drink. He was sure that he words were not heard easily by most people. He set down the empty glass and stood; grabbing one last sweet roll as he did so. "I would say that we are ready to go. We just need to wait for Xantam."

Xantam came from the back room at about that time with a good sized bundle in his arms. "We can go as soon as I get this set on Eclipse's back," came the drow's calm smooth voice. He continued on his way through the front door and to his mount to ready the load for travel.

Aphris nodded at Percy's words as stood as well, getting ready to head out, when her stomach let out a loud growl. It seems that she was hungrier then she thought. She grabbed a sweet roll as well while her face felt hot with embarrassment.

21Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:52 pm



Simon followed, and eventually lead the way, the path so familiar that he seemed to fly towards the shop.


22Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Fri Sep 26, 2014 7:56 pm



"well then, ill meet you over there, might as well pop in and say hello to the ladies before we arrive to take over the garden"

and like that she dissappeared in a puff of silvery lavender smoke

23Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:28 pm



"oye perce, wheres ivy off to in such a rush? she just got in"

red liked ivy secretly, admired her strength showing them boys whats what, if it werent for ivy she might not have found a pack eventually but theyre all gone now

"oh well, dont be to long in your errands, i got a business to run"

24Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Tue Oct 07, 2014 6:30 pm



"Yes, she just left. I am sure she will be back to night though. And you know I should not be long," Percival replied to his 'boss' as he stood and followed the drow out.

Aphris was already outside with the panther purring next to her, much to her delight. Though she was watching the horse oddly. "Is that buzzing I hear?" she asked the drow. SHe didn't think mechas buzzed normally.

Xantam raised and eyebrow at Raistlin but said nothing. That cat always did like those that seemed to walk a shadowy path. He was tying the pack onto Eclipse when he heard Aphris' question. "Yes, I found something up north that I figured Lia could make use of in her garden," was the cryptic drow's response.

25Time for rest? Empty Re: Time for rest? Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:10 pm



"mmmhm always finiding something for that girl o his"

red went to busy herself behind the bar she remembered that sound from when she was a girl back when the meadows bloomed in the spring and fruit grew in the wilds

"get along now aphris, things are going to look alot brighter in the future"

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