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Welcome to the new Avalon

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1Welcome to the new Avalon Empty Welcome to the new Avalon Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:54 pm



Xantam let out a smile as he watched the honey bees he found flying around the garden around their new hive. Lia had made those years ago hoping for some to just fly by. How lucky he was to find a small hive struggling in the northern reaches that was once Canada. Eclipse was grazing in the small grass field with Lia's own horse turn mecha, Arin Alkore which translates to Morning Glory. He turned his lilac eyes to the doorway as he leaned against the trunk large oak that he had climbed into. They had planed the acorn that became this tree together years ago and tended the tree together, it was now the center of the garden that many of the visiting fae and pixies called "New Avalon". With the bees now, they would not have to work so hard to pollinate all of the flowers. The brief simmer in the doorway did not go unnoticed by the drow as she smiled and moved higher into the tree and out of sight.

Lia rushed through the portal looking around for her husband and frowned for a moment when she did not see him. Then she heard it. Buzzing. From insects! That is when she spotted the bees. Bees! He found honey bees! Tears start to welling up in her eyes at the joy she felt from this simple incest. She may even bring plants back everywhere from this hive!

"I take it you like my gift? Xantam called out before jumping down from the tree. "I found them struggling in the north, and told them of our garden here. They were more then happy to travel with me. I knew you ha-"

Xantam was cut off as his wife ran to him, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him as tears of joy fell down her cheeks. Joy at his return and joy that hope brings.

2Welcome to the new Avalon Empty Re: Welcome to the new Avalon Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:38 am



"oh my, sorry to intrude on such a tender moment!" Ivy sauntered around the garden looking at the flowers and trees " that was the surprise I was talking about after all, this garden is beautiful, I could definitely have a good time teaching here, lots of space and lots of training opportunities. "

Ivy looked at the bees buzzing around and smiled at their whimsy

"I can make it so that they grow strong, and make many more bees"

3Welcome to the new Avalon Empty Re: Welcome to the new Avalon Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:00 pm



Lia moved away from Xantam suddenly with now crimson cheeks at Ivy walking up on them close to making out.  "Umm, yes. *coughs* I'm sure we can make a protection spell or such to protect the plants from demonic energy," she said trying to draw the attention to what they had been doing.

Xantam just chuckled at his wife. What appeared to a small ball of light flew around Xantam. He smiled as he watched it float around the now active beehive. The fea here would make sure the bees flourished and stayed safe from predators. "I'm sure the fea here will protect their new neighbors from anything that might harm them," the drow said calmly.

4Welcome to the new Avalon Empty Re: Welcome to the new Avalon Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:14 am



"Oh I'm sure they will, but I meant cloning the queen, start more hives, trade with the other towns for medical devices and such...you know, for the moon children's vaccine, or what ever"

Ivy starts to walk around placing wards around the herbs and trees working her way around the garden

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