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Those that live in Dravenhurst

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1Those that live in Dravenhurst Empty Those that live in Dravenhurst Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:00 am



Many different races can be found in Dravenhurst, and here is a little bit of info we have about them.

  • Elves: a withered race since the fall, the home they have known in nature is polluted and gone, but their magic and penchant for growing things is prevalent both elves and their cousins the drow who have an uncanny ability for mechanomancy try to make a niche in the world that no longer suits them
  • Dwarves: a proud race made powerful by the needs to mine and mill metals for the worlds population, greedy and ambitious they seek to make all they can steal
  • Trolls: no longer able to hide behind the ignorance of humans, trolls have slunk from the sewers and caves into the light, incredible strength but intelligence that leaves more to be desired
  • Weres: the weres, forced into the open by pre-fall forensics they managed better than most in small packs and prides, on one side you have the cats capable of formidable feats of agility and stealth, while the wolves have brute strength and numbers, no one knows why wolves breed true and cats are a bit more selective
  • Vampires: the camarillas welcomed the coming fall, they had silently amassed political positions and money to own the post-fall society and rule as they see fit, fast and strong with an aversion to sunlight and fire these immortals are once again the aristocrats they used to be
  • Fae: the Fae weakened over centuries of cold iron sapping their strength and fleeing from their home lands, they are capable of magic and vast intelligence, glamour being their most potent of magics
  • Demons: as the world descended into madness and chaos reigned supreme the walls between the veil became broken and allowed these beings of energy a corporeal form in our world, demons come in all shapes and kinds some look human but thankfully the worst weren’t able to cross the threshold, beings of ancient beginnings they are hard to kill, no one quite knows what a demon has to fear in a godless land
  • Halfbreeds & Teiflings: of course you cant expect there not to be intermixing of species humans and demons or half blooded Fae are common in the world today and often times have signifying markers of their races
  • Humans: the cause of the fall and all that preceded it, humans have always had a hole in their hearts, greedy and suspicious in nature they have had to adapt quickly to the Others, capable of limited magic they are quick adaptable and intelligent.
  • Marionettes: Mechanical beings of humanoid or animal shape, mechanomancers work at its finest, capable of living for years beyond human life, they are strong and sturdily built, with an amazing array of functionality and uses, although after time, they may just need to see the Mechanics

2Those that live in Dravenhurst Empty Re: Those that live in Dravenhurst Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:20 am



How the weres came about

long ago after the worlds divided and long after the ley lines were new, Humans using the methods trained by the lves, summoned demons forcing them to do their bidding against their will, before they were wise enough to be as specific with their requests as possible, Demons used their magic to change shapes, and breed with humans often times against their wills, the resulting offspring were called by the moon to change their shapes either resulting in a wolf or a Jaguar type creature stronger and faster than their natural counterparts the weres that survived became an infectious breed almost hunted to extinction, thus they hid in remote places awaiting till they could move about freely and openly

the change is painful, but weres with magic in their bloodlines shift faster and with less pain

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