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Careers in Dravenhusrt

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1Careers in Dravenhusrt Empty Careers in Dravenhusrt Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:04 am



Wondering what folks do in these parts? Well here are some of the jobs people take. Might add some to the list, but this is what we have at the moment.

  • Mechanomancers: necromancers with the ability to imbibe mechanical objects with the souls of the departed or still living, giving life to machines like no steam engine could
  • Inventors: capable of inventing anything their hearts desire, they often make the newest improvements to things such as mechanical body attachments, they are able to fix even the roughest situations of faulty wiring
  • Doctors: healers as well as trained field combatants, they are able to dress wounds and if from a magical race fully heal their comrades and patients
  • Surgeons: gory black market butchers, they surgically alter those who seek them out, grafting mechanical monstrosities out of flesh and wire, they can poison just as quickly and would steal every organ in your body just to make a few coins
  • Bounty Hunters: the law of the land is don’t get caught, but they make sure you do, for a price of course, capable of incredible marksmanship and a penchant for living of the land where nothing lives, they are often in disguise and right under your noses
  • Mechanics: the new worlds holy men, mechanics do as their names imply, they fix the mechanical monstrosities that tend to get a bit haywire after time, strong and masters of electricity they often call their abilities with electricity “Teslin Gifts”
  • Apothecary: Mixing potions and oils and medicines apothecaries will poison you or heal you, can make you well or unwell, as well as make useful potions to help in battle or in bed, masters of the new worlds flora they are mighty useful

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