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Ivory Rosumund aka IvyRose

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1Ivory Rosumund aka IvyRose Empty Ivory Rosumund aka IvyRose Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:20 pm



Name:Ivory Rosumund aka IvyRose

Race:Demon {succubus}

Class:Bounty Hunter/ Seamstress

IvyRose has been around a very long time, since the beginning actually she knows much of the world and has been summoned across the lines for centuries before the fall, and has seen the rise and fall of mankind and has even been the cause of it a few times, now in DravenHurst by day shes a well to do designer, her demonic insight leads to the most daring and practical attires, but by night she cavorts with the brothels and saloons and the unsavories to bring her bounties to justice, or death, which ever the bounty calls for, she always gets her mark

as a full demon she heals almost instantly unless wound is caused by a holy object
is weakest during high noon, requires the soul force to live can go days with out food and water, but not souls, when enraged she goes into feral mode where her true form is revealed if she stays to long in this form it can end up badly

can be summned but it pisses her off, once summoned she has to do the bidding of the summoner*

Artillery: two pistols loaded with silver and iron munitions, two knives almost like machetes, and a whip with a double sided arrow tip on of silver and one of iron, the handle ends in a cattle prod

Inventory:a mysterious time piece (allows her to travel between planes) sewing kit

*not common knowledge

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