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On the rocks (Open)

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1On the rocks (Open) Empty On the rocks (Open) Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:56 pm



"Aphris, time to wake up. The night shift is getting ready to start and I will need your help downstairs."

Helenite green eyes cracked open and looked at the well dressed bartender leaning against the door frame, his cinnamon eyes shining almost golden with that inter mischief that was always there. Aphris growled as she sat up, her raven hair with crimson streaks suffering from a serious JBF* do. She ran her hand through her hair as she stood and made her way to the water closet to wash her face at the sink; her tail swaying as she walked.

"I'm getting up Percy give me a bit to get dressed," she muttered as she slashed water on her face and reached for her brush to tame the mess on her head.

Percival sighed in annoyance at being called Percy, but let it slide. He always let it slide with her, he had a soft spot for her since he found her. "I take it your 'meal' last night was delicious?" he said glancing at the male form still passed out in the bed. He was still breathing so that was good.

She shrugged as she started cleaning her teeth since her hair was done. After rising out her mouth she moved to start getting dressed in her skirts and corset. "It was average, but it filled me. He had some good stamina though." She put on her hat and her skin tone lightened, and her tail seemed to fade from sight. "He is defently someone I will let Red and the others know about since he was careful of not making me uncomfortable."

"Glad to hear that. By the way, you might want to hide you hair color. The Westuros have been seen in town. And you know what that means."

"Fuck!" she exclaimed as her hair changed to an auburn color, her nose became more button like and she had freckles across her cheeks.  "Why can't they all just fuck off already?" she snarled as she moved pasted Percival on her way down stairs to help with the drink service, her dress changing from the normal black with red with a green with gold as she went.

Percival Headed behind the bar and set to work making sure he had everything, while Aphris set to work getting the tables ready. Soon, the saloon was rather full or folks talking and drinking and joking with each other. It seemed like any other night at Little Red's and as much as Aphris hated that fact, she knew it was better then the Westuros finding her.

(*OOC note JBF means Just Been Fucked)

2On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:34 am



A birth and two deaths, rather average for the night shift, Simon thought while walking into Little Red's for a drink to calm his nerves. It wasn't every night he had to use his demon powers to soothe someone's pain as they died, but it was something that always took more of a toil on his human half. Taking his normal seat in the back corner of the bar itself, he nodded to Percival for his usual, smiling at Aphris as she handed it to him, not recognising the woman.

Taking a swig of the watered down bourbon, Simon counted back from 100 before taking the next. It was tradition, for the first glass at least, and his mother had instilled maintaining tradition in him well.


3On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Sat Aug 09, 2014 2:09 am



"Here you go Doc," Aphris said with a smile as she gave him is usual drink. The smile she gave him was not one of fake ones she gave the other customers. For some reason she always felt at ease around Simon, though she had not idea why. If it wasn't for the rumor of the Westuros being in the area she would talk with him more and try to find out why she felt at ease around him.

Any after she was half way back to the bar through the crowded saloon did she realize that her voice did not change like her close or looks did.... and she was the only one on staff that called him "Doc" Well, shit.

Percival noticed Aphris' worried expression when she return to the bar to get more drinks for customers. "What's wrong?" he asked, worried that someone might of started some trouble.

"When I was giving Simon his bloody drink, I forgot I am trying to lay low and called him 'Doc' like always and used my normal voice," she grumbled. After the good night she had, today was not looking well.

He chuckled as he shook his head. "I don't think Simon is going to realize that you are the one on the Westuros bounty; just as I am sure they don't know what you call the folks around here either. In fact I doubt they know what your voice sounds like, since it has changed a bit since I found you," he replied with a smirk.

He had a point. Since she has been staying and living with him, she had picked up his accent a little. There were times she seemed to have a Irish lilt to her voice that she picked up from him.

4On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:01 pm



Simon watched the girl go by, not realising until after she left that it was Aphris. For whatever reason she was disguised and he wasn't about to give away her identity. Tending to his drink, he took the time to check his books, making sure he had enough to cover his tab today, as well as buy something on the way home to eat.


5On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:09 pm



IvyRose was on her way to the local watering hole and brothel, her hunger needing to be smewhat satiated.

"let me stop by the office" she whispered to herself

as she walked into the sherrifs office and file is handed to her and the mysterious person is already lost in the night traffic of people.

"that was weird" she looked into the file, "hmmmm, ill read this more carefully at little reds"

she sashayed to meet her awaiting meals, little reds was only a few buildings over, as she entered the saloon she looked over to Red and nodded indicating her usual routine in matters of Little reds best known attraction, she nods to both the bar keep the good doctor and the bar maid as she sauntered to a table hile her room and dinner was prepared

6On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:47 pm



Dropping off a round of drinks at a nearby table, Aphris then made her way to the table were IvyRose just sat down, knowing that she normally spent some time with one of Little Red's 'lambs'. Her eyes grew wide for just a moment before she reached the table when she noticed that Ivy was reading a file about a bounty. 'Shit! Is she going to come after me? FUCK!" was all that went through her mind.

"Welcome lass. Will you be needin' a drink this evenin'? Aph asked with a smile on her face once she reached the table. This time she made sure to change her voice, to give in to the Irish lilt more then normal. She was silently thankful for the fact that the hand Percy had given her hid her so well.

Percival kept an eye Ivy as she sat at her normal table to wait. He knew she went after bounties often and had been worried that she would and up going after Aphris. He was hard pressed to keep an eye on the situation as there were a few gents at the bar that were rather fluthered at the moment, and likely to cause trouble.

"Oi! I think you gents are ossified enough for the evening.  Why don't you put an end to it before you make a right bags of it for everyone else?" he called when they signaled him for more drinks. It was not easy keeping peace at the bar and keeping an eye out for the Westuros, or anyone they may higher. He had hoped Aphris would be safe here since just about everything at this saloon was what the Westuros were against and they would sooner die then set foot in here.

Come to think of it.... They would likely die if they did set foot in here....

7On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:07 am



"I would kill for a drink darling" ivy said as she didnt really look at the bar maid
she was intrigued by the mysterious red file that had a wax seal closing it, she made a mental note of it as she waited for privacy to open the file

being a succubus was expensive and she knew that she would need to take a bounty to keep up with the demands her whores and meals called for, being a popular seamstress and stylist didnt help pay the bills especially since her major clientele were the undead and used the mayors credit

"hmmph" she audibly displayed her dismay at the vampires abusing the people of the town

"and while youre at it darling i would love for a bloody rare steak" this bounty looked official which meant good money she could afford it

8On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:20 am



"I'll get that as quick as I can, lass," she replied as she hurried away from the table and put the order in with Percy. "The usual along with a bloody rare steak for IvyRose, relayed Aph quietly.

With a nod, Percival placed the drink he had waiting on her tray. "The steak will be a bit longer. And Aphris, be careful. I'm not likin' how this is lookin', he answered cautiously . He really was worried about his 'niece'. He had hoped to be able to introduce Ivy to her so they can get to know each other and maybe, just maybe; Ivy could help Aphris understand what she was. "Oi!, Don't forget to check the other tables!" he called after her. Aphris waved her hand in reply as she made her way back to Ivy.

"Here you go lass. The steak will be out shortly. Aphris set down the drink and did not really wait for a reply before she moved on, wanting to give herself space from the possible threat. She made her way to Simon's table. "You doin' okay, Doc? Need anything else tonight?" She asked calmly with a smile once she got to the table.

9On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:28 am



IvyRose downed her drink, and broke open the wax seal, no mater what she had to take this bounty now, or risk becoming the target instead of the hunter, as she read through the file from them she knew she had made a terrible mistake, taking a job from the only people who could possibly hold items of her kinds demise

"pu-uh- Percival!" she shouted, if anybody would have an idea about this bounty he would, especially since the Westuros thought that she was in DravenHurst, the long list of 'Rapes" led her to believe she was now hunting a fellow succubus or worse a vampire, who else would take out a clergy man?

10On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:36 am



"I think food would be in order please, my usual if possible," he asked, purposely keeping from saying her name. Simon almost made sure not to lock eyes with lovely lady at the other end, able to feel her from where he was sitting. Maybe a fennel stew would help him feel better.


11On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:04 am



Aphris nodded with a smile and was getting ready to head towards the bar when she hear Ivy yell out. She felt herself go pale as her eyes grew wide. Oh no! This could not be good! She took as deep breath and tried to best to calmly head toward the bar, without going near Ivy's table.

Fuck! Percival though as he heard Ivy's shout. "Watch the bar would you?" He called out to the part time tender and he made his way to Ivy. As he passed Aphris he whispered, "You'd be safer in underhill, love."

He sat down across from Ivy with a smirk, "What can I do for you, lo-" The words died on his lips as he noticed the seal and one word Westuro. He looked at IvyRose like she had gone off her rocker, "What are you like? Taking a job from them?" This was not good. His worse fear confirmed.

She had nodded to Percy as she stopped at the bar to drop off the orders then explained she was going on break. She took the long way, making sure to get lost in the crowded saloon before heading to Underhill. Which left another to bring Ivy her steak and Simon his meal.

12On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:15 am



" I have a few questions and i know you can answer them for me "Percival', when i opened that file i agreed to take a job i would rather have not taken but i cant just refuse an 'official' bounty especially with my needs, what can you tell me about this possible succubus and or vamp, you know everyone, and i would have sensed another demonic presence like with the good Doctor over there" she nodded her head towards the docs table

"now i know they wouldn't seek me out lest it was dire, and i would rather not end up back on the pyre, it costs to much to re enter this plane, not as much as it once did, but im running out of summoners, and i need to know"

Ivy took a look at the server who brought her food and refreshed drink to the table "whos this? wheres the usual server? the one who changes and smells the same?"

13On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:41 am



Percival was thankful for the question about the server to give him a few moments to think. "That is Amy I believe. The other one most likely went on break, he replied with a shrug. It was not a lie...technically.

"In all honesty I have no idea why the Westuros would go to you for anything. Last I hear they wanted to get rid of the Others any way they can. As to who they are sending you after, I would need to know more details. Age, looks, that kind of thing," He said quietly through gritted teeth. It was the truth. He would need to know more information before he can be sure it was Aphris they were after.

14On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:49 am



Ivy tossed the open file at him, "its all there percival, down to the last detail" she tore into her steak ravenous and starved for more than just physical nourishment, wiping her face with a dinner cloth she continued

"Percival, this is serious, i cannot turn against a fellow demon, and i need to know if its a vamp, i can get more people to help with this bounty if thats the case, but i need every shred of information you can give me, another succubus in my territory could be disastrous, not enough people to feed two succubi, it would turn into a territory squabble very bloody, lots of damage, we dont want that"

she takes the refreshed drink and sips at it

15On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:02 am



He frowned as he picked up the file and started reading it. Yup.... it was Aphris. Every detail in this matched up with what she told him and how she appeared without her hat. How to turn this away from her?

"Red tinted skin, red and black hair, glowin eyes, and a tail? Doesn't sound like a vamp to me. And look at this supposed 'rapes' with as far apart as they are, ragin' from 1 to 3 months apart, I don't think this is a full demon; if it is one. Plus if it was a succubus, I don't think I would of left anyone alive to report that they had been 'rape'. Plus, this Priest... I heard tell that he had a taste for 'young meat if you know what I mean. Not too surprised to hear he was killed about 10 years ago. Lords only know if it was one of his victims or a parent that got him, he stated matter 'o factly. He fought the urge to gag or sneer at Ivy as she tore into the steak and instead keep his eyes either on the folder or looking around the saloon. He was pleased to see that Aphris was no where in sight.

16On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:11 am



"thats what i had thought as well, sounded like a demon, maybe a half demon or teifling, but i needed to be sure, vamps can do some weird shit Percival, have you seen them go batty? upsets me to know we created a damned species like that in the first place, all those damned preists are creeps, they just hide behind their scriptures and piousness" she spit on the floor as the mention of the holiness made her mouth taste acrid "what do you know of a possible teifling in or about these parts, i know every half demon in this goddess forsaken town, they have more of an aura than teiflings do, i could always call me sisters, theyd know about possible progeny theyd have, since their on the other side of the veil where our magics work better and faster they could probably locate this one too..."

Ivy regarded Percivals face as she used her sisters as a gambit to see if he had any tells, he seemed shiftier than he normally does when she went to him for answers

17On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:25 am



Oh how he remembered how much he hated dealing with demons. He let his eyes narrow a bit when Ivy talked about her sisters. Needless to say, he did not get along with them. He let out a sigh.

"I know of a few tieflin's within the city and a few outside of it. Not sure why you would want to go after one of them though. From everythin I heard about the priest and the Westuros themselves, this poor," he paused to doubt check the file, "female was most likely defendin herself and they likely convinced the people she slept with they they had been raped after the fact." Every word out of his mouth was 100% truth. Ivy had asked about tieflings in or around the area, not if he knew the person this was talking about. The question was if IvyRose would ask more. If he had too, he would toss this disguise aside to protect Aphris.

Puck always did have a soft spot for those that had been shunned by their fellows for no reason, and had for millennia.

18On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:31 am



"another round about answer Percival" she sighed as she slowly stood up arms still on the table "im willing to bet you know this one personally, also, defending this one? she is a succubus isnt she?"

Ivy was no stranger to intimidation tactics and knew if she could get the true truth shed have to do something about it

"i would never betray my own kind, thats for your kin" she sneered at the word knowing the fae like she did, "but that just means im in deeper shit than i want to be in, and i need to find a way out"

19On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:40 am



Pericval's eyes narrowed, "There was nothin round about in my answer. You asked if I knew of tieflins in the area and I answered." He snapped that as soon as she said he was giving a round about answer. How did he know that this night was going to turn shity.

"I'd ask you not to bring up the court. I never wanted to be included with them...and then they got upset when I did not follow their rules... Needless to say IvyRose had struck a low blow.

20On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:43 am



Simon ate his meal quickly, not liking the changes in the succubi's aura much and flinching every time it pulsed. He never was going to get used to these powers, else he would be used to things like this by now.


21On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:46 am



"then help me m dearest Percival, help me help them,so that i may cove my ever so luscious ass and not get sent back, its quite expensive!" Ivy let out a rush of air from her lungs and sank back in her chair "this is going to be one hell of a month, Red! a round for my dearest of darlings Percival and myself"

she looked at the fae with sharp eyes "please, help me"

Ivy was not used to asking for help, especially since she wouldnt want others to know about it, she liked others believing she had the force she once did back in the old days before demons were cast to the waylands

22On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:06 am



Percival set the file down and crossed his arms and stared at the closed file. He doesn't have to give out Aph's name after all. Or point her out right away. Maybe he could just tell her story and IvyRose would help her out. The best course of action would be to get the Westuros out of Dravenhurst.

He looked up from his thoughts just as the drinks were brought to the table. He took a sip of the chilled wine to try and calm himself.

"What I know if that this 'bounty' was only 10 when the man was killed. And she did it to defend herself from his 'urges'. She had been sold to the church by a family who were scared of her and abused her and got worse at the hands of that man. She lived on a streets, stealin what she needed. When she was about 14 she noticed she had a 'hunger' and found out what fulfilled it; though, the men she slept with walked away with their souls intact. She seems to only need to 'fed' every month, but can go longer if the 'meal' is good enough. She never forces herself on someone. Which means, outside of the man being killed, everything else on this 'bounty' is a out right lie. I also know that because of that cult she fled her birth town of Westura and ended up here. She had been here for a few years and I would of thought the Westuros would of counted her dead by now; especially, with the distance between here and Westura," he explained quietly. He took another drink of his wine, a larger one then before. "The best way I know of to help her is to either drive out the Westuros, or have them all disappear. I'm not sure you would want to do that." He looked her straight in the eyes as he told her the last part.

23On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:19 am



"not if i dont want all of that damn cult on my door with an exorcist, this is quite the pickle, i may need to pull some favors with the vamps, or have proof that poor girl died in some horrific and tragic incident, westura is a long way from here, a 14 year old coudnt possibly have made the trip alone"

Ivy drank her drink feeling the vodka burn its way down, how did this shit happen to her? she asked quietly in her mind and shook her head

"listen this sucks, big time, i need to figure things out, you let the teifling know i can help her with her powers, one of my sisters is likely her great grandmother or something, i keep my kin safe, all my kin" she said that last part loud enough so simon could here that she would help and keep him safe as well "i dont like these people, i like them less knowing they are gross human beings, especially with how pious they are, they probably set this bounty up to keep that information censored, but maybe if we expose enough light on the situation, others will rally and drive them out, i dont know!" she slammed her fists on the table, hard enough that the audible sound of splintering wood could be heard across the saloon "one thing i do know is im hungry enough for five whores... and red will be lucky if they are able to recover, im going to need to be at my top most power if this is going to work"

with that she stood up nodded at simon and red and went upstairs to her room where her second meal awaited

24On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:33 am



Simon shivered as IvyRose left. He definitely didn't want to be on her bad side, that was for sure.


25On the rocks (Open) Empty Re: On the rocks (Open) Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:41 am



Percival sighed. Why did this have to be a mess?

He raised an eyebrow and he noticed Simon shiver in response to Ivy's anger. He smirked a bit and made his way over to the good doctor. "Ah, lad. You don't need to be worryin about IvyRose there. She is not one to go after her kin. If you get what I am sayin," he said calmly. It never dawned at him that Simon might not know that Percival knew what he was.

"I've got to get back to the bar, but feel free to come and have a chat if you like," he added and he turned back to the bar. He needed to get a message to Aphris to let her know it was safe to come out.

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