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Simon Petrikov

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1Simon Petrikov Empty Simon Petrikov Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:31 am



Name: Simon Petrikov

Race: Halfbreed (human/demon)

Class: Doctor, scientist, explorer

Bio: Before Dravenhurst — born almost 50 years before the Fall, Simon was never told that he was a halfbreed until after, where his abilities were no longer hidden from him or the world. By then, he had already been looking into his longer than average lifespan, slower than average ageing, and sometimes superhuman abilities like strength, speed, agility, and cognitive abilities. During his life he was able to train in every degree in all forms of science around the world, making him the only person in the world to have every known doctorate possible.

In Dravenhurst — In the advent of the Fall, Simon became a bit off hinged, and so his learned knowledge took a back seat to the inherent and now awoken powers he had. Not wanting to feel useless, he travelled until finding a place where a medical doctor was required who didn't charge too much. It was a good thing he worked for scraps then. His demon half can only be felt by others when he's using his powers, even reactionary-wise, or when angry.

Artillery: Natural powers over the elements, defaulting in water and ice when reactionary.

Inventory: A bag of scientific and medical equipment he keeps on him at all times.

Simon Petrikov Yl16JC7


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