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Down the Rabbit hole... (Simon, Ivy, Aph, Percy)

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Percival shot IvyRose a not so happy look as he opened the hidden way to Underhill, the gambling hall under tavern. Once the stairway was reviled from behind the shelf, he started down the stairs, his arms still around Aphris, as she had not shown that she had recovered yet. He would deal with IvyRose after he was sure Aphris was okay.

Aphris was slowly starting to calm down. She didn't seem to understand what Ivy had said to her, but realized that she was going to Underhill. As she calmed down, so did her aura. Once they reached the bottom of the stairs, she moved on her own over to a sofa that was near what seemed to be a coffee table, sill not saying a word.

Percival let Aph go one her own and headed to the bar that was down here to make everyone a drink, knowing what drinks everyone preferred. He soon finished them and brought them over to the table before setting them down and sat next to Aphris and waited for someone else to speak.



Simon gratefully took the drink but was still trying to keep himself under control or would have otherwise asked why he was there at all.




IvyRose took the drink offered to her, "now now my dearest Percival, introduce us, id like to properly meet my kin" she sipped her drink savoring the sharp and sweet flavor

"and Simon im sorry to scare you, i didnt mean to be so intense, i just fed, well help you get your power under control, your aura is fluctuating all over the place" she placed a calming hand onto simons forarm



Somehow his demon side calmed down immediately as IvyRose's touch. "Thank you ma'am."




Percival watched as Aphris garbed her cup and took a few drinks, and lets out a sigh. This was not how he wanted them all to meet.

"This is Aphris, she is the one I told you about IvyRose. I found her passed out in the wastelands 6 years ago when she was 16 and runnin from Westura. She told me what happen to her and I brought her here, hopin she would be safe. I realized that she a tieflin with a succubus bloodline, and had planed to introduce her to you here soon. But then, the Westuros came to town and made a right bags of it. Up until tonight, I would normally have her out runnin some errands when you would be feedin, since I did not know how it would effect her. Unlike you, she doesn't feed on the souls, but just the sexual energy and seems to need to do so less often." Percival took a drink of his wine before continuing. "She was cast out by her family and her human kin turned there back on her and left her for dead, for something she could not help. How could I not help her?" he added with his eyes full of sadness.

Aphris watch Percy as he spoke, unsure of what to say. In fact she was just starting to piece together what happened after her ass had been grabbed. A suddenly had a thought. "What... am I going to be turned in now?" There was a bit of fear in her voice at this. In her mind was in a dark place as the horrors of what that man had done to her all those years ago race through. In her mental distress, caused by the fear of being turned back over to those people, her aura started to rise again.



IvyRose looked at Percival "i fully understand, there was a time when our kind was not treated so kindly by the humans when they drove us out of our homes, and no Aphris you will not be turned in, we will figure this out, it just may take some time, would you like to know how to master your powers? test them grow them so you wont ever have to be afraid again? i can train you and you as well simon, to master them and use them" IvyRose looked around the table and sighed knowing she had caused a bit of an upset, "Aphris, ill show you mine if you show me yours"



"Master my powers... Do you really think it possible?" Simon hadn't heard anything else before his name was spoken.




She seemed to calm down a bit hearing she would not get turned in. "Master my powers? You mean there is more then just having no shadow, smelling like sulfur, glowing eyes, red tinted skin, and a tail? I mean I know that my tail gives me great balance, and the no shadow thing helps get around better. And that i can see in the dark. What else is there?" she asked. She never knew there could be more to what she is, that she could benefit from it. Although she was confused at Ivy saying 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours' and looked to Percy.

Percival sipped his wine while the others talked, not wanting himself to be questioned right now. He noticed Aphris' questioning look and replied, "I believe she means that if you take off your hat, she will show you her true form. Though not many have seen IvyRose in her full glory and had the pleasure to tell about it. Then again, she normally only reverts to it when she is fightin."



"of course you can master your powers, they are yours to control, and being demon kin, there is alot more you can do, there are spells only our blood can invoke and curses we can twist to change our very shape and nature, things only demons can do, you may not have the full spectrum of these powers Aphris, but we wont know until you try! and Simon your half blooded you should be able to do most everything i can, except i dont know your demon kin, it could be any one of us, but you arent succubi or inccubi, id have know that instantly"

IvyRose finished off her drink and stood up, getting more animated as she talked

"my true form is both breath taking and terrifying, i can teach you how to hide all marks of your demon heritage, help you blend in with out wearing that silly hat, as a succubus, you can embody anybodies fantasies, we are creatures of sexual vice and sin, our powers are derived carnally and emotionally based, as with yours Simon, control your emotions become your own master and relish in your power!"



"But how? My powers are so much more powerful than I am." Simon couldn't believe that IvyRose was serious, that he could have control of these powers he barely understood.




So there was more that Aphris was able to do. Maybe there was something good from not being 'human' after all. After all, her life had not shown her there was any plus side to it so far. She then seemed to finally hear what Ivy and Doc were talking about. "Wait... Doc is part demon too? Maybe that is why I always felt safe around him. Because he wasn't human like I'm not," she stated as she looked over at Doc kind of surprised. After all demons did not have a rep of helping people like Doc seemed to want to do; you know, with him being a doctor and all.

"Just be careful, Aphris. The more you go down this path, the harder it may be to hide what you are from people. Many humans do not like 'Others', so you have to be on guard. I will be here for you no matter what you choose," Percival warned. He did worry about Aphris, but he was sure IvyRose would not let her be harmed.

Aphris nodded to Percy, glad to hear him say he was behind her. She reached up and removed her hat. Right away her skin turned from a pale white to a reddish tint, the freckles faded, her nose lost it's button like appearance, her hair turned raved black with crimson streaks within it, and her tail became visible as it swayed behind her. She looked at Ivy with her glowing helanite eyes and said, "So, Auntie Rose, I've shown you mine." Truth is, she had no idea where her sudden cockiness came from.



"my dearest Simon, your powers are always within your control, your fear of them is what stops you from conttoling them, as i said our magic is based on our emotions, we cant let them get to out of hand, but when we master the things w can do its awe inspiring, and terrible, but so very much worth it"

Ivy looked to Aphris taking in her demonic markers, "yes yes, i know whom you might belong too," she smiled knowing whom she resembled

IvyRose seemed to shudder and a wave of power could be felt as she started to reveal her true form, her normal jet black hair grew longer and turned a lavender white color, horns like a rams sprouted from her forhead and she grew taller, her legs like that of a goat she shed all of her clothes and stood almost naked except for her nether regions which her goat like legs provided cover for, her tail was long and whip like providing the perfect counterbalance for the wings she sprouted, leather like and large they could almost fill this side of the room outstretched, her wings were partially feathered and her eyes shined bright with that lavender white light from before, her teeth were sharp and her nails were long, you could tell she was built for hunting, it was what she was good at.

"this is the truest form of a succubus, you may not achieve this, but i can teach you all there is to know, and you simon, would you shy away from your powers? when you could be magnificent? i can teach you how to use your powers to help the weak and heal the sick, would you rather help or harm?"



Simon was too amazed at their forms to feel his blood boiling and chilling. His skin began to lighten and go blue, his nose elongate, and his hair grew longer and whitish, but that was the only changes he made. It was took him some effort before he could say anything.

"I want to help people, but it always goes wrong, I always hurt people when my demon side comes out." He finally looked down at his now bluish hands. "I don't want to hurt people."




Percival simply sat drinking his wine, seemingly unmoved by the transformations of the people in front of him. He felt there was no need to reveal himself yet. Plus, it might do some good to stay hidden a while longer. As long as he was not directly asked, then there was no reason to tell.

Aphris tossed, put her hat, back on, but did not will it to hid anything this time. Her tail was swaying side to side as she looked Ivy and Simon. She spent more time looking Ivy over. She wondered if she would ever get wings. Part was unsure of why, but she really wanted wings. Maybe it had to do with the fact that wings meant flight, which meant freedom. In fact her eyes kept lingering on Ivy's wings.



" you dont have to hurt anyone, its easy to make your powers work for you! for example both of you, look at your right hand, envision a pool of energy what ever color you feel is appropriate, feel it pool into your hand and create a shape, any little shape will do"

IvyRose lifted her right hand and you could see a lavender light pool and create a vague shape

"now in your mind when you have the image as real as you can will it into creation"

her hand made a small flash an in her palm she held an ivory colored rose

"this is but a small portion of our abilities but this should be able to be mastered easily enough"

Ivy notiticed Aphris staring at her wings, "would you like to touch them?"



Percival simply stood, took the cups and went to the bar to refill them all before bringing them back to the table. He then went back to the bar and return with some kind of dip and what looked like a type of flat bread on a nice size platter for everyone, and started helping himself to some of the bread and dip.

Aphris blushed slightly when Ivy called her out at staring at her wings. She reached out and touched them. "I want some. I want the freedom that flight gives," she pretty much whispered. After a few moments she pulled her hand back to try an call for some energy in her hand like Ivy had done. It was not easy at all for her to do. She stared at her hand, brow furrowed as she tried to envision a visible shape of energy in her hand. Nothing seemed to be appearing though.



Simon watched Aphris try to create something and fail, then he tried himself. It started out a small fraction of light above his palm, dark blue and pulsing, swirling as it grew. The light got bigger and bigger, taking form slowly before a book shape before it just disappeared.

"Guess I didn't concentrate enough."




" it does take a bit of practice, but keep trying it i easy once you do it, and if you want wings Aphris, you just have to think of them, feel your body grow them, and give them shape, it should be easier for you"

Ivy shifted her appearance yet again to look like Aphris

"from one step to the next, its like taking a step into something you envision"

she shifted back to her human form and sat next to Percival and ate some dip and flat bread

"shifting and using your magic will make you hungry faster as well as maintaining a certain form besides your natural one, which mean ssince you werent born with wings holding the wingshape and flying will cause you to hunger, so far your good with the energies you get from sex, the more powerful you become the more youll need than just sex."

"Also as a precaution never get circled, witches and any human can circle you and once that happens youre trapped and have to to their bidding, i dont know why but its the rule, but that doesnt mean you cant do their bidding the way you see fit, hell unless they are super specific you can loophole the hell out of their request, for example, if they ask "kill the president" they never said when which president or that they cant know their name of who is giving the request, which by the way is an interesting thing, when you are circled you know all there is to know about your capture, their full given names and such, which is powerful knowledge"



"Humans or witches can control us?"

If Simon could pale any more, he would. He did notice the hunger pains and went for the naan and hummus, spreading a good deal on a fair portion of the flatbread.




Percival raised an eye brow at Ivy changing into Aphris, thinking it a bit odd, but said nothing. In all honestly, he had nothing to add to the topic being touched on. Yet.

Aphris' eyes widen when she was looking at herself. It was slightly unnerving. She blinked and Ivy was back to her 'human' form. With a sigh, Aph sat down and took a drink and ate some of the bread and dip as well. "Something tells me, this is going to be harder for me to do then it is for Doc. Since I have less demon blood and all," she said after she swallowed her bite.

"It will, and it will take you looking within yourself and quite possibly some meditation to find the demon within you and embracing it. Tieflings and those like them tend to have a harder time tapping into their ancestors abilities," Percival quietly said as he looked at the group over his glass of chilled wine.



"they can control us to a point darling, you and Aphris will be held to certain things you more so than Aphris, and I more so than you Simon, but you will feel the compulsion to do these things, and one of those will be to not lie, only be truthful but that doesnt mean you cant tell half truths or play with the truth, it takes many years and you will live many Simon, longer than any mortal, i cannot say for certain about you Aphris, but i do know you will live a deal longer than humans and heal faster, but thats all i can be certain of"

she took another bite and a swig from her drink, and swallowed

"as far as moral compasses go, give em up or leave em be, morals are not so black and white, and you will have to do things you will need to do, and sometimes people will get hurt, but you can always be in control, Aphris dont be discouraged by Simons abilities, you will come into them in your own time, and you will be able to do some things, again i dont know the full spectrum of your powers only you will know that by constant practice, and that will take time, it is a good thing that bounty didnt have a deadline, because i will take you to the head of the Westuros, but what you do to him is up to you and i will collect my reward, and you will have the vengeance your heart seeks, and Simon and myself will help"



"I already have lived many lives ma'am, and I've yet to be caught, so I can only hope it doesn't happen only because I embrace this side of me." Simon had more drink and sat back a bit, still trying to make something manifest in his hand.




Aphris chuckled darkly at the thought of her being the one to take out the Westuros. The hell they put her through. It was about time they paid! With a sly smirk she add, "I am looking forward to that. And it's a pity that they don't know about my hate, or that it can change how it looks as well as make me look hurt when I am not." As she spoke, her hat turned into a flowered hair piece that was sitting oddly on her hair and she looked bruised and cut on her face, as if she had lost a fight. She did not keep that look long though. And soon was back to how she looked before. She now had a goal and would spend all the time she could trying to train her abilities. Well, when she wasn't working for Red that is.

Percival smirked a bit and silently chuckled at Aphris showing her hat's tricks. Maybe he was rubbing off on her a little too much. "Well, you guys will need to find a place to train since I am sure Red would rather be able to use Underhill. Plus, I have a feelin things might get destroyed down here. Don't suppose you know an place you can use?" he stated.



"thats good simon but with mastery comes a bit more notoriety, itll be harder to hide what you are but youll be in control, this isnt like the old days where they had to know your true name to summon you across the planes, so its good to keep changing your names through the ages, i am sure i can think of a place in fact-"

between on breath and the next the table and chairs and everyone at the table were sitting on top of a butte, over looking Dravenhurst

"we can practice here-"

they were suddenly back in Underhill

"that is another nifty trick, very draining but itll have to do for right now till you can side step through reality"



Simon started when Ivy transported them outside of town and back, shaking a bit and getting his proper colourings again. It took a bit before he thought of the question he was going to ask before she'd done that.

"Do half demon's even have True Names?"


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