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Down the Rabbit hole... (Simon, Ivy, Aph, Percy)

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Aphris let out a gasp at the sudden teleportation. She did know something like this could be done! Before she could say a word they were back in Underhill. She just looked around the room with wide eyes.

Percival, again did not seemed phased by anything as he sipped his wine. Once they were back in Underhill, he simply stated, "I may be able to set up a doorway for you all to use to get there or I might be able to dig up some items to help you out in gettin there. I will have to see what I have." He then took some more naan and humus while he waited for a reply from the demoness.



"How can you do all that?" Simon asked before the ladies could.




"as a demon you are a temporal being unbound by this worlds laws of physics, you can switch in and out from between realities, teleportation essentially, its useful takes alot of power to do, but doable, and maybe a doorway would be better for them i ca come and go as i please, everything has a true name, the universe was created through spoken word, some people call the big bang 'the voice of go-ah-d' ahem, you kinda create it, but once its uttered its reality and can be used against you"

she took a sip, all these power demonstrations were starting to drain her and make her hungry again, in truth shes never teleported half a room of people and furniture, but that she could do it was a testimony to her power on half her usual reserves of power



Aphris listened to Ivy speak as she drank and ate, thinking over her words. To be honest she had learned a while ago not to question where Percy got the cool items he always seemed to have.

"Oh, I have my ways," Percival replied to Simon with a smile. "As for the door way I think I can set it up in the tavern and give each of us a ring or something to wear that will only work for those it is given to and must be warn for the doorway to work. That way there is a safe place out of town for us to meet, and I can get more rings for others we might trust. It might take me a bit to set up. Plus, I would need to let Red know what is going on as well. I don't want to keep her in the dark too much, but I want to tell her enough that she knows what is going on."



"rings, what is it with the elves and the fae and rings, silver looks best on me Percival darling, make it lovely yes? cant be a fashionista if i have an ugly accessory, my other occupation and all that! Red wouldnt mind anyways, its my bounties and feedings that primarily keep this place open and underhill, red is a sweet heart like that, tough as rocks, but sweet"

she grabbed another slice of bread and dip and finished her drink in one swill



"But wouldn't it be strange for us to walk into Little Red's and people not see us when they follow?"




"Not if he uses the back door for the doorway. Then they will think we just walked away and they missed us turning the corner," Aphris said as she swallowed a bite of bread. She took a drink as well before adding, "Besides, I do not know of anyone that would follow Precy or myself. No one normally messes with us."

Percival nodded, "That is a good idea, Aphris. And I was thinking about silver anyway, I have a few silver rings that I am not using for anything."



"good then its settled, ill see you both tomorrow bright and early tomorrow we continue learning constructs, and shape shifting and then while youre practicing i can call my sisters and see if we cant get ahold of whom ever your great something is Aphris, as well as find out what species of demon Simon is, its useful information to have, also think of your true names"

IvyRose got up from the table with a flourish

"and with that its time for round two...i wonder if those two fae are busy...the fea tend to keep me fuller faster"

she started to walk up stairs slowly in case anyone followed



"Our True Name... That's going to take some time to think about..." Simon bowed to Aphris and Percival and took his leave.




Aphris stood, and shifted her appearance to what it had bee before; alburn hair, button nose, fair skin, freckles, and the different dress color. "I better get back up and finish my shift," she stated and she started to follow Ivy up the stairs.

Percival nodded, "And i better talk to red and get started on the doorway." He hung back a bit and waited till everyone was out of sight before, with a wave of his hand took care of the dirty dishes and returned them to their proper places. Things were getting interesting around here. It was starting to look like he would have some fun after all.

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