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Tea and Gossip

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1Tea and Gossip Empty Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:12 am



Business wasn't very steady today, Aida thought as she started the stock for another potion going and cut up a few ingredients in the back room, a view of the front door from her little workspace behind the counter. She nibbled on a bit of cheese and meats while she worked, making sure no one could see her levitating them to her mouth so as to not contaminate the ingredients.


2Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:17 am



Theres a tinkling at the door as IvyRose walked into the shoppe

"hello darling! you wouldnt happen to ha-"

Ivy spotted Aida with cheese floating near her mouth

"ha! oh my goodness you should see youre face!"

3Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:22 am



The cheese fell to the floor as she jumped. "Damnit Ivy, don't do that to me! You know I hate loud noises while I'm prepping." She grabbed the cheese and dusted it off before popping it into her mouth.

"So, besides that, what can I do for you today?"

Aida and Ivy had known one another since the Fae had come to town years ago and were very careful not to reveal the other's existence to anyone else who might not know about the other's presence.


4Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:26 am



she was still laughing as she moved further into the shoppe

"sorry Aida darling, i forgot you didnt know i was coming, im feeling quite full right now so pardon me im a bit giggly"

she sat down at the counter watching Aida mix her potions, Ivy secretly loved the way she mixed potions because her magic was all energy the plants and ingredients would never obey her like they did Aida

5Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:06 am



"It's okay, I know you don't mean me any harm. Had a good day?"


6Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:10 am



" oh Aida darling! today was a day for the dogs! had to take a bounty from...them, found new kin of mine, and i have to train them one because hes a danger to himself and others with his emotions unchecked, and a teifling succubus, do you know how long it has been since ive seen another succubus let alone one of our descendants?! i didnt even know Rapha had children, we havent spoken since the fall of babalon when i was known as its whore"

she huffed heavily and disturbed some of the loose leafed ingredients, she had partially done it to distract Aida and get her to pay attention to herself

7Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:27 am



Aida froze when the half demon was spoken of and then moved all the leaves back to their place after Ivy moved them.

"So you're going to train Simon, that's good. I've been trying to get him to be more open about his demon half since I found out about it."


8Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:32 am



"oh so you knew about Simon? why does nobody tell me anything anymore?! do i have to scare everybody to death to get information?!"

she summoned a cocktail from thin air and downed it

"i swear you all drive me to drink! next to the mayor and his undead goons, i dont know why i even stay in this town....oh wait yeah i do...food"

9Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:44 am



"I promised I wouldn't tell anyone and I care about him, so it wasn't anything against you." She smirked, crossing her arms. "You know you like it here, and not just for business or food."


10Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:01 am



"oh Aida....are you bedding a demon! im so proud of you!"

she tossed her head and laughed

"i have a feeling i know his father, cranky old bastard, high ranking demon too, he will be very powerful when im done with him, he might even be able to take me on! but dont you tell him i said that, i gots a reputation to uphold"

she summoned up a pot of hot tea and two china tea sets

"oh youre right i do like it here, better than the wastes and torments of the otherside, theres so much life here and color, in all my years i will never get tired of this plane, and i do like the business and food, everything is so flavorful! its nice to see the old ways are dying out though, the demons fae and elves, have never seen eye to eye not with the wars and the constant curses, thats why im surprised one of my sisters had a child before they cursed us barren, even though we circumnavigated that, which by the way the elves had better not cross the planes, most of us are still sore about that "

she giggled, that was another thing she liked about this plane though she would never admit that, she liked the changes emotions brought from this world caused, she had never had happiness or reasons to giggle on the otherside, but here anything was possible

11Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:03 am



The rear door opened and an elven woman stepped trough with a basket on her arm full of different plants and herbs. Lia was glad she was able to finish gathering some cuttings of the herbs before the sun fully set. She knew the plants did not like being bother at night sense it was their time of rest.

"Aida, I got most of the herbs you wanted cut. I will have to wait till tomorrow to get more. The plants do not do well if you cut them at night," she called as she set her bag. She turned and noticed IvyRose in the shop. "Oh, Hello IvyRose, I did not know you were here this evening. How are you doing? Were you needing anything?"

A scoffing noise was heard coming from around Lia, that she just ignored.

12Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:07 am



Aida smiled. "I promise, I won't tell him anything, or that I even know he's training. That poor man has seen so much and is very sensitive now. And I wouldn't know much about those wars, my elven brethren were already on this side when that all happened. You'll have to tell me about it sometime."

The elf turned at the sound of the back door. "That's fine Lia dear, I know you wouldn't steer me wrong."


13Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:11 am



"hello lia darling!!!"

IvyRose summoned another tea set

"care to join us? and i did come here for some soul potions but i have time to spare, its a few days before full moon you should enjoy your time to relax, and believe me, ill tell you all of the history when you have the time, youre young still, this could take decades if i paraphrase it"

14Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:12 am



Aida sipped her cuppa. "No worries, I just know I was definitely too young for my parents to even begin explaining it to me before they died."


15Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:24 am



Lia smiled at the demoness as she brought the basket to the prep table and set it down. She took the cup of tea and took a good whiff, she loved the smell of jasmine and mint tea. She took a sip with a smile on her face. "I am planing to relax a little, but there are some things I have to take care of before the nights of the full moon. Though, there is not much I can do at night since the nightshade is not ready yet. Though i hope the apple trees do well, it took quite a bit to get those seeds. Sorry, I'm rambling..." she blushed and lowered her head when she realized she was rambling.

"Hopefully this time you don't trash the catnip patch like you almost did last month!" came a male voice from a top her head.

16Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:34 am



"Oh hush Tanis, it's not like it's any different a bit crushed, especially in potions," Aida giggled. The tea was getting to her.


17Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:36 am



"oh Tanis, leave her alone, cats will be cats after all"

she took a sip

"and no do go on, your plants fascinate me, i remember being young and seeing green things always, the otherside wasnt always the wastes it is today...i think i have a tome somewhere with the stories and old ways, i wrote them down eons ago so i wouldnt forget, but time is a strange thing...."

18Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:44 am



Ignoring her sassy little dragon friend Lia brighten up about the chance to talk about plants, "Well, I may have a lead on some other seeds from before the fall as well! Like some sweet corn, and strawberries! I just hope that I can afford them and get them to grow well. The herbs I got are growing very well. And maybe if I can get some of these other seeds to grow well, I can start to sale fruits and vegetables to the rest of the town! I think it could do a lot to improve the mood of everyone else."

Tanis sighed again before fluttering down to the table and sniffing around the basket before taking out a bay leaf and started munching on it. He was at least going to get himself something to eat.

19Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:49 am



"If you have any trouble affording the seeds, do let me know. You've already taken wonderful care of the ones I salvaged from the Fall so I have no problem helping you get some more." Aida's head was starting to feel light and she was started to feel flushed.

"I think it's time to close shoppe for the night, I won't be able to brew anymore tonight. But we'll still be getting you your potions Ivy dear."


20Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:52 am



"that would be wonderful lia! ive always loved strawberries!!!! i was sad to discover theyre hard to come by now adays"

She threw her cup and saucer in her excitement and as it hit the floor before it shattered it dissolved into a lavender cloud of smoke

"my potions would be most appreciated i must go home soon too, must come up with a lesson plan we train early"

21Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:58 am



Lia nodded to IvyRose, "Yes, I miss being able to find fruits easily. Hopefully I can pin down these seeds, or Xantam can find them." A slight blush graced her cheeks at the mention of her husband. He had been away after a bounty for a while yet.

Tanis scoffed, "Yea, like he can find plants... Unless it is killing something, gnolls being his favorite, then don't count on it."

Lia gave Tanis a stern look and the little dragon ducked his head and grew quite.

22Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:02 am



Aida set the cup down gentle before going over and getting IvyRose her potions, putting them in a nice little bag for the woman. "Here you go dear, twelve sly and four dre as usual."


23Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:13 am



"how is that old coot Xantam? i havent had a run with him for many years now"

Ivy liked lias husband he was a strong guy and full of character, and he hunted down a bounty almost as well as she did if there was anybody she would trust with her back it was Xantam

"alright darling, i feel as if though im never going to quite catch up in this world, not if i want to play by the rules anyways"

she places the money on the counter so that Aida can see it and count it without question

24Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:23 am



"Thank you," she said, taking the money and putting it in her coffer. "Now that business is taken care of, I'm going home." She walked back to the back door and started to open it before turning around. "Lock up after yourself Lia, alright?"


25Tea and Gossip Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:25 am



"He was doing well when I seen him last week before he left for this bounty. I am sure that Syn and Obad-Hai will keep him safe so he can return. Hopefully before the full moon," she almost whispered that last part and looked out the window.

Tanis rolled his eyes, but did not say anything as he ate his leaf. He did not share his mistress' belief in the old gods.

Lia smiled at Aida, "Don't worry I will make sure it is locked up!"

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