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Tea and Gossip

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26Tea and Gossip - Page 2 Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:31 am



"good night Aida sleep well and stay warm"

Ivy winked knowingly at Aida

"im sure hell be finished soon, hes not one to linger to long between moons, he really cares for you, and im sure they will watch over him and if not, ill find him and drag his sorry as outta trouble, wouldnt be the first time remember?"

she grabbed the bag of potions and got up to leave

"i wont keep yeah here any longer time to go home and prepare, and you have preperation to do too. the moon is a harsh mistress to those who are beast called"

she looked forlorn into the distance where she could feel the moon.

27Tea and Gossip - Page 2 Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:50 am



Lia nodded, "I am sure he will be home soon. I do feel sorry for his bounty though... The close they make him get to the full moon the more pissed he is at them. He still remember the interrogation tactics he learned in the underdark."

The leaf dragon climbed up Lia's cloak and draped himself over her shoulder. He always felt weird around Ivy, but he know Ivy could not help it; most demons were like that. "Are you going to hang the herbs before we head back? And isn't Aphris due to come by for her perfume?"

Lia nodded to her lifelong friend as she set to work bundling the herbs. "She may be a harsh mistress, but it is not the moon's fault for the curse that started the were bloodlines. I don't hold that against her," she replied in a calm voice as she hung the bundles she had made on the hooks along the wall to dry.

28Tea and Gossip - Page 2 Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:00 am



Ivy knew she had said something, she often said something and it was always kind of the wrong thing to say as she headed to the door, she knew demons who started the bloodlines, and how it happened, in an effort to enslave humanity for their calling upon demons to do their bidding, we bred humans with demons turned wolves to create the werewolves and bewitched women in the southern americas with romantic tales of men who turned into leopards,

"good night Lia, and you too Tanis" and with that she took her leave and headed home

29Tea and Gossip - Page 2 Empty Re: Tea and Gossip Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:10 am



"Good night, IvyRose. Hopefully you training session will go well tomorrow," Lia turned and said with a smile.

"Night, Ivy," Tanis said as he help Lia sort the herbs into bundles. He might of felt odd around Ivy, but he was not going to be flat out rude to her. She was one of the people that knew about him, one of the ones he could move around. He knew not to get on her bad side. After all most thought that dragons were all dead.

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