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The door to nowhere

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1The door to nowhere Empty The door to nowhere Fri Aug 15, 2014 10:31 pm



Aphris was sitting at a table in the saloon, which was mostly empty at this hour, eating her breakfast. Today she was to start her training with Ivy. She was nervous about it, but looking forward to it. Part of her wondered if Simon was just as excited or if he was scared. He did not seem like he was looking forward to everything that much. Maybe he would come by to grab something to eat before they headed out. After, the door Percy was making was suppose to me here at the saloon.

Percival let out a yawn as he walked from the back of the saloon. It had taken him most of the night to get the doorway set up and the rings ready as well. He opened the box that they were in and looked them over again. He had craft a ring that was dark with a red stone for Aphris, silver with an icy stone for Simon, and since IvyRose was picky at times he had made two with the intend that she choose one of them; there was a silver ring with amethyst and diamond hearts, or a silver ring with purple flowers on it. Knowing his luck, she would want both. Oh well.

He sighed as he closed the box and looked around, noticing Aphris eating a meal. He walked over and joined her. "Did you sleep well?" he asked as he grabbed a roll from the table.

"I slept okay I guess. I'm kind of nervous and excited for what the day may bring," she answered with a shrug.

2The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sat Aug 16, 2014 12:16 am



Simon was blushing when he made his way into Little Red's that morning. Only a few of the girls and one or two regular drunks were left, but he paid them no mind. Sitting in his usual corner, the doctor waited for someone to approach him over their lessons.


3The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:43 pm



Upon seeing Simon eater the saloon, Aphris waved him over, "Hey, Doc, come have a seat over here." She was not sure if he would come over, but she figured if he did, it would give the two of them a chance to talk and get to know each other and maybe become friends. After all, it made sense to try and become friends with the person she was going to be training with.

4The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:31 am



Looking around a moment, mostly to see how sober or even awake the few remaining patrons were, before Simon went over and sat beside Aphris.

"Good morning."


5The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:39 am



"Morning!" she aid rather cheerfully. "Are you excited about starting training today? What do you think Ivy will teach us first?" It was easy to see that Aphris was looking forward to today.

Percival chuckled at Aphris, and was glad that there were few people around and none that were interested in listening to them. "How about I get us some breakfast, Simon. Anything you would like?" he asked as he stood to head to the kitchen.

6The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:48 am



"Yes, porridge with brown sugar and some bacon would be wonderful," Simon said to Percival before turning to Aphris. "I don't know what she'll teach us, but I was finally able to make something appear from nothing... but not because I actually tried to at the time unfortunately."


7The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:53 am



Percival nodded and left to get breakfast for Simon and him.

"Oh? What did you make appear?" Aphris was interested.

8The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:54 am



Simon blushed deeply. "Well, thinking about it, I might have done more than just made something appear from nothing, I might have changed my body a little bit... Oh hell, I've said too much!"


9The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:43 pm



Aphris grinned rather evilly as her mind started to piece together what he was suggesting. "Oh? So you made something appear during sex then? Who was the lucky lady? Did you end up enhancing something then?" she asked wagging her eyebrows.

10The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:51 pm



"I promised I would tell anyone that we're together actually, but yes, you could say I enhanced something." Simon was beat red now.


11The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 8:01 pm



IvyRose had alot planned for today, it had been ages since she taught anyone magic, the last person she taught had been some damned elf who summoned her, but shed let that go, she walked into Reds at full attention noticing her new pupils siting together, Simon was blushing, she had an idea about what, elves and mint were like cats and catnip

"have a good night Simon?"

she waved as she walked over to the table

"I have alot to teach the both of you, and seems likes somebody was practicing, how about you Aphris? did you practice any last night?"

12The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 8:19 pm



Simon just nodded, unable to answer in his embarrassment.


13The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 8:53 pm



Aphris was still smirking at Simon when Ivy asked if she had practiced at all the night before. She ducked her head a little. "Not exactly... I mean I did thinking about what it is I wanted out of this training and out of bringing out ore of my demon blood."

"Which is a good thing for you to think about," Percival said as he walked up to the table with a tray loaded with food. He sat Simon's dish in front of him as well as another platter of sweet rolls in the center of the table. "Good morning IvyRose. Now that you all are here I can give you the rings I made for you all." he pulled out a small box and opened it, handing Aphris and Simon their rings before simply turning the box to Ivy, "I tried to come up with a ring that fit you each the best, which is why there are two for IvyRose to choose from, as I was not sure which she would prefer."

14The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:02 pm



"oh Percival, these rings are to die for!!! i love thos purple flowers though, how appropriate for me wouldnt you say?"

she picked up the ring and lifted it into the light

"marvelous, and herd to feel any magic going on in the ring, great in case they get lost, cant imagine they are easy to replace, which brings me to my first lesson, dont lose them"

15The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:03 pm



Simon put his ring on, surprised Percival had found a silver wire wrapped ring this long after the Fall. He started eating and waited until it came time for him to say something.


16The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:13 pm



Aphris took her ring and looked it over with a smile before putting it one her right hand. She swore she saw the stone shine for just a moment before it went back to looking normal. "What?" she mutter as she looked at it.

Percival closed the box after Ivy choose her ring and out it away. He grabbed a sweet roll and started to tear a piece off to eat when heard Aphris mutter. "That would be the magic syncing to you. This ring are made to only work for the person who first put them one. So to anyone else they have no magic. And if someone else should get a hold of them or they are removed from you by something other then you, they will return to the ring box," he explained simply before taking a bite of his breakfast. He was rather hungry after making those rings and the doorway, but it was rather easy for him. After all there are those that thought of him as a deity among the fea; even if a low level one. He reached out for the pitcher that was on the table and poured himself a glass of juice. Part of him always wondered how no one asked Red where she got it from.

17The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:17 pm



"That's really awesome!" Simon couldn't help saying with real enthusiasm.


18The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:23 pm



Ivy placed her ring on her wedding ring finger and it seemed to fit just her

"oh its been years since ive seen anything with this craftsman ship, well hurry and eat now, i myself will have some toast and jam we leave to practice as soon as you are all finished"

Ivy left to go and order her breakfast from red

19The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:32 pm



Percival had a mischievous grin and chuckled lightly at Ivy's words. It's a shame she had not asked if that was all the rings did. Not that it mattered, it would helped them to have someone looking out for them. In the older days he got yelled at for helping demons, but he always enjoy to them over elves. Most of them were stuck up.... Most of them, he reminded him self as he smiled at Simon's comment. There were a few here in town that were showing that most did not mean all.

Aphris nodded at Ivy's words as she went back to eating and drinking her juice. She was very excited and looking forward to learning more about her bloodline.

20The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:47 pm



"So how long will our lesson be ma'am? I usually open my office in the afternoons and while I cannot guarantee that I'll be needed, I need to be available. If that's okay of course."


21The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:58 pm



Ivy nodded as she was returning with toast in hand balancing the jar of jam on her plate

"oh im sorry, i didnt mean to inconvenience you and your practice, maybe you should just focus on that, im sure your powers will keep themselves in check, i mean you are a doctor you can fix who ever you hurt or maim along the way right?"

she said nonchalantly and then nibbled on her toast, she poured herself some juice and swallowed down the dry bread

"Simon, and Aphris, but mostly Simon, there will be time for your outside activities but this is serious business, its all fun and games until you realize that because you have so much raw untapped power you are essentially a nuke waiting to go off, Demons arent as they once were before everything that happened to us made us the way we are, we are but beasts on the other side and we reflect that on the outside and our inner most selves, we are tame, yes, but still powerful, if i wanted, if i didnt control my hunger i could wipe this and every other township and refuge for mankind and Others off the face of the earth, and still be hungry for it, you will train every day that i gather us, which i do believe Percival would have made it so i can communicate with you in case there is trouble, until you are better able to control your powers, protect yourselves, and protect the people around you, do you both understand?"

22The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:05 pm



Percival nodded, "The rings will allow you to call on the others. They will let you know who is calling and if they are in distress or simply want you to gather together." No harm in letting them know that....

Aphris nodded. she wanted to be able to protect herself. She did not want to be a victim anymore, running and hiding from those that wished her harm. she wanted to take control of her life for once. Her eyes seemed to glow a littler brighter for a few moments from her determination. "I will do what I need to in order to learn my powers. I'll not hide behind others," her voice was serious and matched the look in her eyes.

23The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:05 pm



Simon thought about what Ivy said for a long moment. If he wanted to help other people and himself, he was going to have give up something to do that.

"I will talk with my nurse to contact me only for the utmost emergencies, if that's okay."


24The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:09 pm



"that is fine, tell her to send word to red or Percival theyll get into contact with me, and ill 'port you to your office, but until then, were off to the butte the day is a wasting and the midday sun will be upon us"

she got up and nodded to Percival to lead the way, this had been much easier when she was teaching the elves, they commanded she obeyed, most of the time they blew themselves up or released her, but this was a duty she never thought shed need to do anymore, it had been a long time since demons bred, let alone had to be trained in magic, but she knew these two were good students

25The door to nowhere Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:11 pm



Simon nodded, thinking it best not to correct Ivy on that his nurse was male.


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