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The door to nowhere

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26The door to nowhere - Page 2 Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:21 pm



Percival finished the last of his roll, and downed his juice before standing and waving for the little group to follow him to the back door. Once there he simply opened the door. "All you have to do is walk through the doorway and think of the butte and you will walk out onto the butte through a doorway that I made from rocks so that you have a way back. To get back here it is pretty much the same, approach the doorway there thinkin of here and a door will appear for you to open and come here. Well unless this door was left open, then no door will appear. And if someone follows you without a ring they will simply pass through the door like anyone else, unless you willingly lead them through," he explained.

Aphris was amazed at what Percy was ale to make in just one night. From what she knew it normally took humans days to do things like this. Then again, maybe he has planed a head and had all of this stuff waiting? After all he knew her bloodline and that Ivy could teach her, so it makes sense that he would have this plan in pace...right?

27The door to nowhere - Page 2 Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:26 pm



"well then " Ivy said as she stood in front of the door way "to the butte see you there!"

she stepped backwards through the doorway stepping onto the sand stone butte

"Puck, you really do know how to do the most incredible things..." she muttered while she was still alone

28The door to nowhere - Page 2 Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:35 pm



Aphris, nodded to Percy as she turned and followed Ivy through the doorway. It was the first step to her new life, and she willing took it.

Percival watched Aphris fade from sight as she passed through the doorway and turned to Simon, "You turn my friend."

29The door to nowhere - Page 2 Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:40 pm



"You first miss, I insist," he said, bowing slightly. Aphris went through and Simon followed after her.


30The door to nowhere - Page 2 Empty Re: The door to nowhere Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:51 pm



Percival watch Simon go through and went back to the table to grab another sweet roll. He should go and let the nurse know that if Simon was needed to contact her... then he could relax and enjoy his meal. He let Red know he would be right back as he set off to do just that. Planing on sitting and relaxing until the evening.

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