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26Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:43 am



Aphris silently wishes Simon luck as she looked around. Right now she wanted something cool to drink or some shade, since the drink was lacking she got up and sat in the shade of the doorway for a bit while they were gone.

27Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:44 am



"dont be nervous Aphris did it and shes just fine, you can do it too Simon, once this is done you will have control of your power"

Ivy started to push her subconscious towards Simons feeling his apprehension like walls

"i wont come in without your consent simon"

28Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:50 am



"Okay," he breathed, letting Ivy in. She had the form he was most familiar with, but her body also incorporated her true form, a combination of the two that was something Simon wasn't sure he did intentionally.

They were in an apartment from years before the Fall, one of his flats when he was a university professor, the walls lined with bookshelves stuff to burst and a comfortable leather chair by the window. It was where he'd felt most at home in the long life he'd had, and seeing it again made him a big nostalgic. Then he remembered another reason for this location — it was where he was killed the first time, accidentally of course, but didn't die.

"Now what?"


29Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:54 am



Ivy looked at her form in simons mind

"ive only ever looked like this in one other persons mind and that was many years ago"

she laughed "okay Simon now we have to go where your emotions are where your truest heart of hearts is"

30Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:57 am



Simon looked around a bit longer and, not knowing how he knew where to go, went over and opened a secret door in the bookcase wall that hadn't been there in the real flat. He looked back at Ivy before walking through the doorway and into a hall with seven doors, each a different colour. Only one seemed to be glowing and it was the door that corresponded to his heart chakra. The half-blood took a breath and went to the door.


31Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:00 am



"very direct, thats good Simon follow that path im right behind you"

she walked up behind him and kept a close and steady pace with him so as not to get lost in his mind

32Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:15 am



He opened up the door and was back inside the university's morgue. Chills ran down his body as he watched his own autopsy—the most horrific event of his life by far because his body was still fully aware and he had been plagued by nightmares of this ever since—and as the last stitch was put into place closing him up, he screamed and started the coroner enough that the woman fainted.

Simon and Ivy watched the younger version of himself, body turned blue and hair stark white, as he walked out of the room, disappearing into the darkness beyond. Left behind on the autopsy table was a small gem of ice blue crystal, a pentacle inside at the centre of it. The moment the half-blood picked it up, the vision ended.

His body now mirrored the form he had in memory and when he opened his eyes, they were blood red.

"Did it work?"


33Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:19 am



"apparently so Simon, very good, you were able to retrieve it quickly and thorough, im glad youre a doctor, it suits your personality"

She took in his new form amazed and how close the resemblance was to his father...she knew now without a doubt who he belonged too

"well we better get back to where i entered.....i gota leave sometime"

34Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:23 am



"Yes, right," he said absentmindedly, following Ivy back out of the corridor, the gem in his hands held possessively.

They left his mind and meditivate state through what was the front door of his old flat. He couldn't tell how long they were there and he didn't care; the gem was heavier in his hands, which still appeared human in his corporal form.


35Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:30 am



After getting comfortable in her little shady spot, Aphris looked over at Ivy and Doc. She wasn't sure how long they would take,but from what Ivy said about her trip only being a minute she figured they would be back soon. Her tail lay across her lap as she thought about what she had been through. She felt like a weight had been lifted, but still held on to hatred for the people that let those things happen to her.

She swore she heard a rock shift nearby, but when she turned nothing was there. Odd... lizard maybe? Rock just shifting?

36Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:37 am



"okay gather round " she called out to Aphris who sat some distance away

"these represent your power they are wonderful like tokens of whats inside you, this is a manifestation of your power on this plane, these are called projections, and they are you r first steps to a life of full demonic potential"

37Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:47 am



Aphris got up and made her way back to Ivy and Doc, taking her seat next to Simon. At the talk of the crystal, Aphris looked down at her hand, were a smaller version of what she found was setting. This tiny thing represented her power? It was about the size of a locket! That was not very big... It has seemed bigger when she first picked it up in her mind.

"So, there are some other demons in Dravenhurst besides you Ivy." called a voice from where Aphris has just been sitting. On top of the stone doorway sat a drow elf, his lilac eyes watching the group with a smirk on his face, and his silver hair almost shining in the sunlight. He had a dusty dark grey cloak on with the hood partly pulled back, dark colored clothing, a pair of darkened goggles around his neck, a bow and quiver on his back, two scimitars on his hips, and soft looking boots.

It seems someone had found them out here.

38Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Mon Aug 18, 2014 2:07 pm



'Oh no,' Simon thought panicked. This was the last person he expected to have find them, and it also meant more that it was him.


39Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:50 pm



"oh Xany darling! what a pleasant surprise! you know Lia and i were talking about you last night! and these are my new pupils yes"

Ivy stood up and curtsied to Xantam her old friend? she didnt really know their relationship other than they worked together and got along well enough

"you know Simon im sure, and this is Aphris, they are under my tutelage and protection, gotta keep our heritage in power wouldnt you agree?"

40Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:45 am



Xantam kind sighed at Ivy calling him 'Xany'. He hated that nickname. He knew better then to pick a fight with a demon. "Interesting," he stated. "Well, I am not one to go around talking shit. You business is yours." He hopped down from the top of the doorway and gestured to the cliff edge behind him. "I thought I had heard you up here so I figured you might be interested in the bounty I just got, since he is wanted death or Alive. With no price change if dead. Figured you could use the snack."

Aphris' tail was twitching as she was unsure of what to make of this drow. She did not recall him ever being in the tavern at night, and rarely during the day time. Mostly to talk to red or Percy. From the sounds it it, that was to try and get info on a bounty. It seemed he was helpful and new about Ivy.

41Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:03 am



"oooh you dont say?! whats the take? tell me hes a big man, you know how i love a big man" she all but purred

"oh and they will be coming to observe, they should see what it is we can do as demons"

she turned back to her students and looked at them

"after this lesson of course, we are not quite finished"

42Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:19 am



Simon was relieved that Xantam wasn't one to talk much about other people, it made the doctor at ease again.


43Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:34 am



Aphris tilted her head, curious about what Ivy was going to do to the bounty, and their lesson.

"I wouldn't know if he is 'big', I didn't really look. I think he might be part troll. Not sure on the other part. Go a head an finish your lesson, I will have him brought up here." he calmly stated. He tone kind of told the others that he was use to demons and stuff. He let out a whistle and a metallic sounding whinny was heard down the hill. After a few seconds a large mecha feline appeared over the edge of the butte then made it's way to Xantam. It was black it in color with golden eyes, and seemed to make a purring like sound as it rubbed against Xantam's leg. After a moment the sound of hooves could be heard. Then a mecha horse, black in color, with someone bound and gagged on it's back came over the edge and walked over to Xantam.

44Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:38 am



"this is my favorite part! and now i will show you see your little gems? will them into another form while i go and have a snack"

Ivy sauntered over to the bound man on Xantams mech-horse and slowly ungagged him, taking his face in between her palms, slowly she starts to kiss him and gets more fierce as her hunger took root, she pulled away sucking his yellow tinged aura and soul out of his mouth and eyes, knowing she had an audience watch as she devoured this mans life soul and power

45Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:18 am



Simon looked at his gem but while watching Ivy sucking the soul and essence out of the bounty, he couldn't think of an alternate form to change it to.


46Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:31 am



Aphris watched with wide eyes as Ivy sucked out the man's soul. That is what true succubi fed on? Did that mean that she would start feeding that way, killing people, if she embraced her demon side more? Had that man really been a horrible person? or had he been framed like her?

Xantam seemed unimpressed or interested in what was going on, maybe a bit of both. He did smirk upon seeing the yellow tint to the man's soul, "Knew he was lying when he tried to say he was framed. Even his true colors show him to have been a coward." The steam powered horse just snorted as if it just wanted to get back home, blowing steam from it's nose in Xantam's face. "Yes, I know we will head home soon, Eclipse. As soon as Ivy finishes," he softly replied as she rubbed the horse on the snout. The tone in his voice semed to show that he cared about his horse quite a bit.

The mecha-panther decided to walk over and look at the two 'students' that were watching. Giving them a sniff and a look over.

47Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:09 pm



Once Ivy was done with her feeding, Simon's attention went to the animals Xantam had with him. He'd never been so close and couldn't really see details through the glass panes whenever the bounty hunter had brought either of them when he needed treatment. They were very interesting animals, he'd seen some before, and many different versions over the years.


48Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:08 pm



wiping her mouth as the last of the mans soul crossed her lips, Ivy stood upright, her skin was smooth and full of life and her hair was bouncy and healthy looking she was revived

"oh that was delicious, i love the taste of sinners"

she strode back towards her students obviously languid state after feeding

"where was i again?"

her aura was of sex and complacency and she reeked of power it was almost oppresive to the other demons

49Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:21 pm



"We were to change the shape of our gems ma'am," Simon answered shakily.


50Training Fields Open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Fields Open Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:21 pm



The panther turned at Ivy's words and padded back over to Xantam and headbutted his hip with a metallic purr. "I know, Raistlin, we are heading home," he replied as she scratched the large cat between the ears. "Since you are done eating, I'm going to head back into town. I know Lia is worried about me. Good luck with your training you two. And Ivy, I will let you know if I get another bounty you can snack on," Xantam said as he pulled himself onto Eclipse. With a brief nod in the way of good bye, he turned the horse to the edge of the butte and went down the side,with Raistlin in tow.

Aphris blinked when Ivy finished. At least she knew the guy as guilty. "Something about changing the shape of our crystals?" she offered. At Xantam's words she waved and replied, "Thanks."

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