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Death & Bees

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1Death & Bees Empty Death & Bees Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:48 pm



The next morning Aida went in to open on time, still recovering from the night before, and did her usual morning preparation around her regular morning customers. The few that were there didn't mind and the exchange of coin was still as regular as ever. When Lia arrived, the elf beamed at her, having woken fully by then and chipper.

"Morning assistant, would you like some breakfast tea?"

Last edited by Purple on Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:22 pm; edited 2 times in total


2Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:08 pm



Lia smiled at Aida, "Tea sounds great. I think I will have a cup before I check on the garden." She waked over to the counter trying not to notice that the calender on the wall showed that tomorrow night ws the full moon. Xantam was not back yet, and she was starting to worry.

3Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Mon Sep 01, 2014 3:35 am



Aida poured her assistant a cup of tea but left it at that, letting the other woman decide what to add or not to her drink. The elf could tell something was upsetting the were, but she felt it best not to say anything.


4Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:14 pm



Lia added some sugar to her tea, wishing there were still bees to make honey for her to use. She took a few sips of the tea before looking around, trying to see what herbs and plants they were low on that she would need to stock up on for the next few days. Since the entrance to the garden she had made was hidden from those who did not already know where it was, she normally spent the full moon withing it's walls as she was calmer when she was surrounded by nature. In fact only one person could be near her during that time, but he was missing...still...

"Anything that you need me to gather for the next few days?" Lia asked as she looked at the drying herbs. She normally left Tanis in the shop to help out in the back, but if Xantam didn't show, she would need him with her...

Speaking of the little dragon, he was on her normal perch of her hair and seemed to still be asleep.

5Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:37 pm



"Nothing in particular, I'm stocked well enough for now. There haven't been any special orders lately." Aida stirred her tea before taking another drink and watching her assistant closely. She was always more careful around this time to not ask too much of the Were, not wanting to make things harder when they were already hard enough for her.


6Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:31 pm



She nodded and sipped at her tea. if Xantam was not back by sunset, she would need to try and make that catnip potion for her to sock some meat into to calm herself after she turned. Luckily the den she used in the garden was right next to a rather large patch of the stuff, so she would most likely end up just rolling around in it most of the night. That reminded her, she would need to get some meat for tomorrow. She was not looking forward to doing that since it meant she would have to go to Red's.... Xantam was the one that normally picked it up.

Tanis opened his eyes, upon seeing that there were no customers, he gave and stretch and flew across the room to grab a leaf or two to much on and then back over to the two ladies. "Can you pour me a little bit of tea, please?" he asked nicely. when no one else was around to see him, Tanis did enjoy drinking tea as well. Often it was him lapping some up from a saucer.

7Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:05 pm



"Of course Tanis, I apologise for not doing so already," Aida said, rushing to get the saucer she kept for the dragon and pouring him some.

"Slow day today it seems, and most other Weres came in earlier in the week for any potions or tinctures they needed."


8Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:37 pm



Lia nodded at the elf's words. Since the other weres already had what they needed then she could get hers. She always made sure that others had what they needed before she took any. She was mentally going through the list of what she needed as she sipped her tea.

Tanis lapped at his tea. "This is a very good blend, Aida," he stated, trying to lighten the mood within the shop as he licked his lips.

9Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:30 am



Aida blushed lightly, not used to compliments, much less from the dragon. "Thank you Tanis, I like experimenting and making new blends now that there isn't an easy way to do that otherwise."


10Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:21 pm



Lia made a mental note to work on the patch of tea plants for her friend; well, and herself at well. Caring for all the the plants where harder without bees to pollinate the plants for her. She had a hive made in hopes that some may come by, but it had sat empty for years. Lia was starting to think that honey bees had all died in the down fall.

Tanis nodded as he started nibbling on a leaf, "Well, you did a very good job with this one. I have to wonder what other wonderful things you can create." He kind of glanced over to Lia, sensing the sadness she was feeling and her attempts at distracting herself.

11Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Fri Sep 05, 2014 11:22 am



"Before things changed, that was my jobs, potions and tea blends. I started with medicinal potions and floral blends, and thankfully finished my schooling in time." Aida didn't like talking about the Fall and skirted around the issue easily by now.


12Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Fri Sep 05, 2014 2:23 pm



"I have some tea plants in the garden, so you will be able to make more blends soon," Lia said with a smile. She did enjoy working with the plants in her garden and growing things to help her friends and family. And the truth was that she had started thinking of Aida of family. Out side of Xantam and Tanis she was the only family she had since the fall.

"And the raspberry bushes you have are blooming well, so we may have some raspberry tea as well!," Tanis added happily. He was happy that Lia had finally joined the conversation.

13Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:15 am



"That's wonderful, I cannot wait to make more teas, and how I've missed raspberry tea!" Aida poured herself another cup and refilled Tanis' while Lia finished her cup before it was refilled.

"I hope you'll both keep this between us, as I've never said this aloud, and I know elves shouldn't dabble in death magic, but I couldn't help trying to find a way to bring bees back, at least so that we can try to restart their species. Then you could have a proper garden with all manner of plants and fruits and whatever else your heart desires!" Lia had worked so hard for her, and for the plants, that Aida wanted to do something that would make the Were happy.


14Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:53 pm



Lia's eyes went wide at the talk of death magic. "Well, I suppose if the bees are willing to come back to life there is no problem. I just don't like when creatures are forced back to the living against their will,"she replied. As a druid, Lia despised the undead, but something like this would help nature return to normal, and that over rode he dislike of the undead.

Tanis narrowed his eyes and lowered his ears. his hated unnatural things. "There may still be honey bees in the world. There has been little damage to the forest in the far north in what use to be Canada, maybe they thrive up there," he stated, not happy about the idea of death magic.

15Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:43 pm



"I would never force them to live if they did not want to, but I was going to see if they could help us find any that might live. If they don't have to worry about dying again, they might be willing to help us. If it doesn't work, I won't keep trying, but it was something I've been thinking about for a few years." Aida knew these two would be uncomfortable with it, even Simon was, but if she tired this, it would be for the better of all beings and the world. And she ached from her inactivity, not doing anything to help the Earth recover.


16Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:25 pm



Lia's eyes soften as she understood her friend was feeling inactive and possibly useless. "What about the idea you told me about a few years ago about trying to find a cure for weres and vampire that were bitten and forced to turn against their will? There would be a few people that would love for that to exist," she asked trying to take the talk away from death magic. She felt there was too much death in this world since the fall, and had done everything she could to try and keep life in the world.

Tanis just kept to his tea and his leaves. His feelings on death magic was well known to both women.

17Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:39 am



Aida smiled. "Yes, I should ask more of them about that... but I don't know how to test it and Simon says that unless he had some kind of machines from before, he could do the testing. But I'll ask him if he has anymore ideas."


18Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:20 pm



"Well, I am sure you would be able to find some that where bitten that would be willing to get you a hand and maybe even test it for you," Lia replied with a smile. She took another sip of her tea before moving to see if some of the biscuits and scones she had kept in the back for them to snack on were still there.

Tanis was licking his lips and looking around when his ears picked up the sound of hooves some distance away, and ones that were very familiar to him. Looks like Lia would not have to worry about being alone tomorrow. He choose not to say anything as he started munching on his last leaf with a slight smile.

19Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:36 pm



Aida shivered slightly, a strange but familiar feeling creeping up on her.


20Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Sun Oct 05, 2014 4:44 pm



"oh a cure for the weres? useless wont work, not for a curse that engrained and mutated into dna, best to work on a vaccination to prevent the spread of the virus, but then again that amount of mauling would kill the person any way, but best go for the lesser of two evils i suppose"

She appeared in a silvery violet puff of smoke sitting on the counter sipping tea she conjured for herself

21Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:15 pm



"Yes, and genetics is something Simon studied heavily, he thinks it's worth looking at. But if you think a vaccine should be worked on as well Ivy, I suppose I should listen. You do have a lot more wisdom of these things than I," Aida said honestly.


22Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:21 am



"we may just have to go to old town, get the proper machines"

she tossed her empty teacup against the wal, evaporating into a puff of smoke, jumping of the counter she sidles up next to Aida

"and yes ive been around a while, something you know very well"

23Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Tue Oct 07, 2014 6:24 pm



Lia found the tin she kept the biscuits in and brought it to where her co-worker was waiting to find Ivy there as well. She thought she had heard the succubus and she was right. "Hello, Ivy. Always good to see you," Lia said with a smile. She was indeed glad that Adia was no longer talking about bringing things back from the dead. She glanced toward the door with a small sigh, she wished it was someone with a bit darker skin that had come to the shop though.

Tanis noticed Lia's sigh and still said nothing. In fact, since he had finished his tea he decided to take a little nap. Well, at least until Xantam got there.

24Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:43 am



"oh lia good to see you as well!!!"

she fitted over t lia to give her a kiss kiss hello

"do i have a surprise for you darling"

she pirouetted and flourished her lifted skirts and belts while taking a busicuit and taking a quick nibble

25Death & Bees Empty Re: Death & Bees Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:21 pm



As Ivy did her pirouette, Simon walked right in, the spells protecting the back room allowing him entry. He went right up to Aida and wrapped an arm around her waist. Waving his hand, he created a rose from ice and gave it to her. "Hello lovely."

"Oh my Simon, that's beautiful!" She took the rose, noting how it didn't feel cold at all.


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