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Death & Bees

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26Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Thu Oct 16, 2014 6:17 pm



"Oh? Is that surprise that you got Simon to be more comfortable with his demon blood? Though I am sure that is helpful, I don't see how it is a surprise for me." Lia said with a smirk.

Tanis did his best not to start chuckling at his life long friend. He kept his eyes closed, but had a bit of a smile on his face.

27Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:25 pm



"oh but not quite the surprise i had in mind, thats just a fun little added bonus"

ivy sauntered around the shoppe eagerly awaiting the arrival of everyone else, nervous energy making her tail tick back and forth

28Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:04 am



Putting the flower in her hair, she kissed Simon's cheek and then turned back to her guest. "Here," Aida poured the succubus another cup of tea. "Whatever you're waiting for is on the way, don't be so nervous."


29Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Fri Jan 09, 2015 6:46 pm



"Afternoon Ladies!" Percival said with a smile. At the scent of the tea in the air he added, "Another blend that smells wonderfully, Aida." He walked over and took a seat on a nearby stool that no one seemed to notice was not there before. "I hope business is going well?"

Aphris followed Percy inside and looked around the shop. Herbs and such were interesting to her; she even noticed a few plants that had helped her when is had been alone. She knew the basic ones that could help heal, but she knew of many that would harm of kill, but when you are on the run for your life you tend to use whatever you can to stay alive.

Xantam watched the others gone in before leading Eclipse around to the back. As much as he wanted to rush in there and see Lia, he needed to take care of his pack and horse. He made his way into the garden, leaving Raistlin to go and greet Lia and lead them all to the garden while he ready everything.

Lia looked hopefully at the door when Percival had walked in, her hope being wrong though. She smiled at the fey, always happy to see him; unless, he was in one of his pranking moods. The one who followed him in though, she was not normal. Something about her reminded her of Ivy. Since she was around Ivy and Simon she guessed she must of demon blood of some kind within her, part of her wonder what kind. She was lost in her thoughts as she sipped her tea that she did not notice the 'shadow' that had followed Aphris in.

Raistlin silently enter the shop and sat down behind the counter near Tanis. THe little dragon chuckled quietly before gliding down and rest on top the panther's head, much like he did when the cat had been fur nad not metal.

30Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Sat Jan 10, 2015 2:42 am



"ah well it will be a right minute before that"

she took the cup of tea and noticed lia scrutinizing aphris,

"noticing the family resemblance Lia darling? shes a succubus like me"

she twirled into a curtsy and sat on a settee that appeared underneath her

31Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Sat Jan 10, 2015 4:19 am



"Hello," Aida nodded her head to the newcomer. "Would you like some tea?"


32Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:46 pm



Aphris turned towards Aida, unsure what to say. Despite all her bravo, she was not one that liked attention, she would rather go unnoticed. Hidden by her hat, her tail twitched with nerves as she realized that most everyone was looking at her. "Sure, though I don't drink much tea. I will try some though," she replied with a shrug as she made her was to the others.

Percival smirked a bit adding, "Trust me darlin, Aida makes the best tea blends in the whole city. Which I sure has to do in part with Lia's wonderful and hidden garden. I'm sure these ladies can find you a tea that you will like Aphris."

Lia smiled at Percival's complement before turning to Aphris, "It is a pleasure to meet you Aphris. With both Ivy and Percival behind you, I am sure you will do great in whatever you wish."

Tanis smirked as he sat on Raistlin's head, knowing that the panther was making sure he was not noticed until someone brought up the idea of going to the garden.

Last edited by Silvonas on Fri Jan 23, 2015 3:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

33Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Tue Jan 13, 2015 1:32 am



"oh these two will learn many tricks and tips, i see a future hunter in Aphris, and when simon gets control he will be the best surgeon this side of the lines"

Ivy was tapping her heeled boot on the floor waiting for xantam to enter

"so any new potions in the works Aida?"

34Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:43 pm



"Not right now, not that I can talk about. Most are still in the recipe phases, but a few I'm working on for pain management." She didn't want to mention what had been on her mind, least of all what she had been working out what to do.


35Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Fri Jan 23, 2015 3:20 pm



Aphris thought about what Ivy said. Her, a hunter? Is that something she wanted to do? She knew that she didn't want to work at Red's the rest of her life. Working there was how she hid, but now she had been found she would have to find something out to do. She was lost in thought for a while.

Percival glanced over at Aphris as he got her and himself a cup of tea. He knew she had never thought about her own future, but he had a feeling she would make the best choice. Especially if she remember that he had her daggers. There was little that girl could not do with her daggers. He would have to give them back to her when they got back to Red's.

Lia glanced out the window and seemed to zone out. Her connection with Tanis was keeping her from getting too lost in her feeling of loneliness. She had no way of knowing that he was planing something, just that he was sending reassurance her way.

Tanis, realizing that no one had noticed him changing perches, let out a sigh as he glided over and landed on Ivy shoulder. "Darkstar is in the garden. Try asking Lia about where the herbs are and if you can see the garden. He has a surprise planed," he whispered to the succubus in Abyssal. He figured the language would make it harder for anyone that over heard understand what he as saying. He hoped that Ivy remember that Xantam was know the Darkstar by some since it was his last name.

36Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:55 pm



ivy hearing the dark elfs surname realized what tanis was up to

"oh for heavens sake lia could you show us the herbs and the secret garden we need a new place to train these two and the butte is just not going to work, something is afoot and its leading to more people coming to this abysmal place in the middle of nowhere"

ivy got up and ruffled her skirts as is that was what was causing her anxiety winking at tanis

37Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:00 pm



"How about we make some more tea dear," Simon suggested, leading Aida over to where her teas were.

"Simon?" She'd never seen him like this, not that she was complaining, but it seemed there was something more going on she knew nothing about.

He smiled at her, giving her a look that said, 'Trust me,' and so she did.


38Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:21 am



Aphris smirked at her 'aunt's' bluntness. Then again being blunt was always better then lying. She nodded thanks to Percy and took a sip of her tea as she watched the scene play out.

Let them train in her garden? What is the plants where harmed? She was certain that there were some plants that could only be found in her garden and she could not risk them! "I-I-I don't know... I can't put the plants in danger..." she stammered, she even looked a little pale at the idea.

"I am sure that Ivy and her students would have the up most care for you charges. I an certain they would even help you if you needed it as well. Besides, to be honest, I've been wantin' to see your garden for a while now.," Percival said with a smirk. He took a sip of his tea as he looked over at Raistlin in the corner, "'Sides, I think you might be wantin' to check it yourself. You might find somethin' interestin' there."

Tanis rolled his eyes as he made a point to flutter in the air a bit before landing on Raistlin's head, knowing that most everyone in the room would of watched him and seen where he landed.

39Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:33 pm



"yes i will set up wards and protect the precious plants from our demonic training session, wow saying that out loud sounds simply preposterous, most demons train for thousands of years but here we are...in a magic garden, training....in the human world....."

she starts walking towards lea so she may show them the garden

40Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:17 am



"Would you like some help with that?" Aida asked Ivy as she and Simon came back into the room with more drinks.


41Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:28 am



"of course! that would be fantastic cant spend to much energy ill bleed this town dry! but lets go see this beautiful garden"

ivy twirls putting emphasis on the word beautiful and changes her whole outfit mid twirl

42Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:04 pm



Lia Wasn't sure how to react in everyone's sudden interest in her garden. She noticed Tanis in the corner of her eye and turned to him; her eyes going wide when she seen that he was rest in Raistlin's head. If he was here then Xantam! She gasped before turning to head towards the back entrance to the shop, the emerald on her wedding ring letting off a slight glow. "Percival, I hope you are the one who made all of their gate rings because I just made it so they can use my gate as well. Aida, keep hold of Simon and you should be able to get through no problem. Just think of a garden as you pass through this back door and it should take you there just like the gate you were given those rings for," she said in a very lively manner as opened the back door. She waited a moment for Tanis to fl over and land on her shoulder before she stepped through and seemed to disappear.

"I'd say it was a good thing I made all your rings, eh?" Percival said with a chuckle. He finished his cup of tea before looking over at Aida. "Guess you will be needin to close the shop for the day. Sorry if this ruins you profits. I'm sure what we are going to see will make up for it." HE turned toward Aphris wanting her to make her choice if she was going, without him pushing her.

"Well, that is one way of say 'Yea, sure! No problem.' What does a garden look like again?" Aphris asked with a slight blush on her cheeks. There may have been a garden where she was born or even where they kept her, but she couldn't remember much. She moved towards the door though, letting it known she wanted to continue this path.

43Death & Bees - Page 2 Empty Re: Death & Bees Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:05 pm



"gardens are beautiful things full of life and green, with flowers swaying in the gentle breezes and trees that reach up into the sky, beautiful orbs of crimson and orange that taste sweet and juice dripping from your mouth, life...not like this dusty dry place void of lifes breath, but like home....before the wars...before the curses, like the wonderous gardens your mother and i played in as children...before we were formed to look like this"

she shed her glamour and resembled her fearsom demonic self

"your soul will know and your heart will remember...."

ivy stepped through the wall silent tears slipping from her eyes

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