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Aphafria "Aphris" McDolohan

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1Aphafria "Aphris" McDolohan Empty Aphafria "Aphris" McDolohan Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:27 am



Name: Aphafria "Aphris" McDolohan

Race: Tiefling

Age: 23

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 210lbs

Gender: Female

Hair/Fur Color: Black with blood red streaks.

Eye Color: Green and slight glow

Class: Unknown at the moment

Appearance: Picture of how Aphris tends to look

Bio: Aphris was born to a wealthy human family who claim to be honest a devoted to each other. You can image their surprise when their new born had a tail, glowing green eyes, the faint smell of sulfur, or skin with a red tint to it. Her 'mother' proceeded to claim she must of been drugged and taken advantage of! Or that it was more punishment from God! They gave the girl to some servants to care for and told everyone that their 'Dear little Erica' died shortly after birth. It was the servant who gave her the name she has now.

At 7 she ended up being sold to a man claiming to be "Holy Man" that would be able to bring God back to those who where devote and help his "church". After 3 or so years she couldn't take the abuse any longer and killed him with the very dagger he tried to use on her. She fled and took to the streets and back allies to survive. Some of the more 'devote' members of the 'church' also known as "Westuros", put a bounty on the girls head claiming she attacked and murdered him in cold blood. She became really great at hiding, and soon at stealing what she needed.

At around 14 she started to notice she felt hungry, but food did not ease this hunger. One night when a drunk man coming out of a tavern started to hit on her, something clicked and she lead him in the ally and had sex with the man. She found that afterwords, she did not feel the strange hunger from before. She had no idea what this information meant, but remember it for when the hunger returned. Unfortunately for her the men she had sex with soon claimed they had been raped and her bounty raised. Having no other choice, at 16, confused and alone, Aphris left her birth town and headed west towards a town she heard about called Dravenhurst.

Needless to say she collapsed out in the wastelands after about a week on foot. She would of died out there as well if she had not been found by Percival McDolohan. He nursed her back to health and talked with her. He was about to explain what tielings were and where her bloodline most likely came from, a succubus. He explained there were many who did not trust tieflings and gave her a hat, claiming it would hid her as long as she wore it. they made it to Dravenhurst and Aphris stay with him, helping out at the tavern where he lived and worked. She even claimed that he was her Uncle Percy to help hide herself better.

She has been hiding for quite a few years now. Though the 23 year old has not gotten away from her problems as news of her bounty has reached out here as well

Artillery: Lots of daggers that she keeps hidden within her clothes on her person, most of them seem to be either made from of coated with other metals other then iron or steel. Most were gifts from her uncle. She rarely uses anything else.

Inventory: Besides her clothes? Just the hat that Percival gave her that lets her change how she looks; allowing her to hide her tail and odd skin color from view. The hat does not stop the slight glow of her eyes, the faint smell of sulfur, or the face she has not shadow. She now has a ring gifted to her from Percy as well.

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