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Percival Mcdolohan

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1Percival Mcdolohan Empty Percival Mcdolohan Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:53 pm



This character is mainly a NPC and as such The other characters don't know much about him including what is in the ( ).
Name: Percival "Percy" McDolohan (Puck)

Race: Human? (Fae)

Age: Does it Matter? (Looks 30ish)

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 115lbs

Gender: Male

Hair/Fur Color: Dark Brown/Black

Eye Color: Deep Blue

Class: Bartender (Trickster)

Appearance:How Percival normally appears.

Bio: Little is know about Percival other then that he is the bartender at the Little Red's Saloon. His 'niece' Aphris helps out at the Saloon as well. He seems to enjoy tricks and pranks but rarely get caught went doing them. For some reason people will talk to him about someplace called 'Underhill'....

Artillery: Unknown

Inventory: Unknown

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